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Saturday, October 01, 2016

5 Reasons James Comey's FBI Investigation of Hillary is a Total Joke

With new revelations about Hillary Clinton's private, unsecured email server emerging seemingly every week, it's becoming more and more obvious that the FBI's investigation was an absolute joke. Here are five reasons why.

1. Immunity Deals

During the FBI's investigation into Clinton's private server, the Justice Department granted immunity to multiple individuals close to the former Secretary of State who likely could have been prosecuted had they not been shielded.

It was recently revealed that Clinton aide and former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills was granted immunity in exchange for her laptop. When asked by Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) Wednesday if Mills' laptop contained any classified material, FBI Director James Comey said:

"I think there were some emails still on the computer that were recovered that were classified is my recollection."


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