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Friday, October 28, 2016

2 fired from state prison agency say they are whistleblowers

HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP) — Two high-ranking Maryland prison agency officials who were fired amid misconduct allegations say they are whistleblowers who suspect they lost their jobs for exposing corruption.

Steven Geppi and Debra Gonzalez Morin said in a conference-call interview that they suspect the complaints made to Public Safety and Correctional Services Secretary Stephen Moyer on Oct. 11 came from people who want corruption in the prisons to continue.

Geppi oversaw internal investigations and intelligence-gathering. Gonzalez Morin ran the intelligence unit.

“You can’t do this kind of work and not make lots and lots of enemies,” Geppi said.



  1. The Drug lords and gangs business dealings were being hurt. What do they do when you are getting a loss of business? They go after the ones that are the most dangerous to their unlawful enterprise. They get their families and street operatives to put pressure on the agencies.

  2. Exposing crime as the result of getting caught committing crimes isn't exactly a whistle blower.


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