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Thursday, September 08, 2016

Woman stripping NAKED on Baltimore MTA bus

Bus riders in Baltimore were treated to a shocking spectacle when a fellow passenger removed her underwear during a commute last week.

The eye-popping exhibitionistic display was captured by local commuter Christopher Fisher, who then shared the six-minute recording on his Facebook page.

As of Wednesday afternoon, the X-rated video has been viewed more than 53,000 times, and counting.



  1. A ride and show for one low price.

  2. Baltimore classy town

  3. You get that sometimes...

  4. Eeewwwwweeeee, NASTY!

  5. I bet it was very odiferous when she drop her drawers. GROOSSSS!!

  6. Shameless: The curvy woman pulled off her underwear and exposed herself in front of stunned passengers


    One thing I can't stand is when people call FAT women curvy.

    Curvy is 36-24-36! Not some fat, flabby slob with her belly hanging over her cooter. That is freaking disgusting. I don't know how many dating sites I have seen where women try to say they are "curvy." No fatty you are "a few extra lbs" or just plain fat and over weight.

  7. Well, Ocean City several years ago hired a Transportation Superintendent that came from a chicken processing plant and later a deputy superintendent that had as his experience a bartender. Why is Baltimore any different?

    To be fair, Ocean City's Transportation has been managed by a committee for some time now.

  8. 7:44 guys like you really bug me. Guess your just really closet homosexuals since you like skinny women who resemble little boys. curves are sexy and doesn't necessarily mean they are obese or big beautiful women it's a matter of taste! but you go ahead if you like women who like they havent been fed in months and you think thats sexy?

  9. 7:44 - can I have a picture of you in a Speedo? I haven't had a good laugh yet today.

  10. Ladies of 10:18 and 1:13 you'd be surprised at the curves slender women have. To each his/her own.

  11. There was once a day people would stop this from happening. Now they just pull out their phone and record it. Very sad


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