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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Wicomico County Improves Permit System for Household Garbage


  1. Wow, next thing you know they will take Apple pay or Google wallet. Maybe in 2025 after those forms of payment are replaced by something new. Nice to see the county catching up with the rest of the country. Thanks Bob.

  2. Good idea. Makes sense.

  3. Whatever! You the man Culver, this will surely secure my vote for the next election.

  4. Need to be able to purchase online. Then I'll be impressed.

  5. 11:22 really? because of this? It is ok to saddle the county with paying for free college but you will vote for him over a $60 permit restructuring?

    1. I know there clueless and dont look at the Big Picture.

  6. you can print the form online, mail it in with copy of registration and fee...no need to go to office, but totally online payments would be a great improvement.

  7. It would also be nice to be able to pay your county taxes online without the fee that they charge.

  8. 11:34 AM I believe 11:22's comment was tongue n cheek & not to be taken serious. Culver is being seen as desperate since the elections are coming up in a few short years(2018) and he has nothing to show for it.

  9. Word on the skreet is Gary Mackes is gonna run cuz he wants his taho back.

  10. I came across this comment on another thread and this guys name came up. Can anyone elaborate on this any further. He keeps hinting that he is going to run for office soon and we need to address this sooner than later. We don't need any crooks representing us.

    "Anonymous said...
    Isn't she the one who wanted to hire Mike Elliott into the executive's office? The former deputy who was recently indicted for embezzlement and other things in Delaware? I don't think she is very smart or a good judge of character.
    August 27, 2015 at 5:35 PM"

  11. Mail it in...there is another good one. Must be an old person, cuz no one under 30 use the mail for paying bills. Its all done online.

  12. I pay for trash pickup. NOT paying another nickel!


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