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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Wholesale Sales Tumble Most Since January, Inventories Ratio Deep In Recessionary Territory

Wholesales sales slumped 0.4% MoM in July - the biggest drop since January. Inventories were unchanged MoM, driving the inventories-to-sales ratio back up to 1.34x. Year-over-year, this was the 19th consecutive month of declines for wholesale sales...

Notably Auto sales dropped for the 3rd month in a row but Hardware saw the biggest monthly drop in sales.

Farm products saw the biggest drop in inventories along with drugs. Auto inventories rose but professional equipment rose the most.

The absoluet gap between sales and inventories remeains near record highs...


1 comment:

  1. We make it hard to do business in the United States, over regulation over taxed to many requirements, we spent soo much money for shovel ready jobs and what is our return. To big government just keed printing dollars and prop the economy up till the next stock market collapse, nothing ever changes!


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