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Sunday, September 04, 2016

White House says Kaepernick ‘entitled’ to sit during national anthem

President Obama’s spokesman said Monday that 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand for the national anthem during a game was “objectionable,” but he had the right to express himself.

“I certainly don’t share the views that Mr. Kaepernick expressed after the game,” said White House press secretary Josh Earnest. “But we surely all acknowledge and even defend his right to express those views.”



  1. Well, WE don't want to share our bathrooms with a bunch of cross dressing queers either. Why don't WE have a right refuse Obama's meddling in this?

  2. Sure he is and the White House needs to stay the F@#$ out of it. Don't you morons have more important things to do - like pony up some ransom money somewhere in the world? This is America of course he can act like an a$$, but the 49ers and the NFL should grow some balls and address this creep.

  3. I should hope we'd all agree with Obama on this: It's objectionable to do so, but Kaepernick certainly has the right to sit. This whole "news story" is such a non-issue.

  4. so when you think obummer will invite him for a beer?

  5. Its an easy feel good statement. If he really cared take some of the millions he makes and setup a non profit to go into the inner cities and help. Put your money where your mouth is. Sitting out during the music is an easy out. Time to man up Colin!

  6. Entitled lol just like his Welfare crowd.

  7. He loves BLM but his white mom and black dad gavehim up as a infant to a white adoptive parents thanks COLLIN SMH.

  8. As in most jobs and the NFL being no different there is a code of conduct that employee's must adhere to. The NFL needs to answer as to why this isn't a violation.

    1. Same reason you can't make me pray.
      I'm not saying he's right. But he HAS the right.

  9. I think he was mad about not starting, and when asked about being on the bench during the national anthem he made up an excuse. He knew
    if he told the real reason it would have been worse.

  10. This was designed as a diversion & has been just that.Everyone focus on Colin and ignore everything else that matters.

  11. This is definitely not a white house issue. If the 'president' would do the job he was charged to do as the president of the U.S. we would not be having these problems now. Of course, the current president is definitely not presidential material either.

  12. When someone actually practices their freedom there are an awful lot of people who think he is not entitled to. You real patriots or not? Then walk the talk, not just the feel good stuff.

  13. 12:49PM & 1:08PM
    I totally agree. Money be damned, ethics and image needs to be decided right here & now. The DeBartolo/York family is no stranger to controversy and mistake, so don't look for them to make any patriotic move. Like, sidelining this POS
    The NFL needs to DEMAND respect for the country we allow it to do business in. The NFL needs to man-up on this, today. And, the DeBartolos & Yorks need to keep the POS off the field., they'll pick up a helluva lot more fan respect that way.

  14. He is absolutely entitled to sit if he likes. And we are entitled to burn his jerseys if we like!

  15. This total POS jerk can sit down all he wants but he would be sitting down outside of the stadium on a stump without a job. What a total waste of money they are giving this jerk to act like he does. SF fans, you should not be watching or going to any games until something is done about this POS.

  16. Yeah I figure its kinda like there is a time and a place. At work even if there was a not specific rule against it .. In the middle of a business meeting is not the time or place to protest... Nor at a convention or the register of a fast food place if thats where you work .I am of the thinking of you must have a little respect of the organization that employs you. This is his career and he has to respect a little the people and their dollars that essentially keeps him employed.
    My husband is a coptic christian from Egypt and they are being killed in his neighborhood at home and no matter how horrifying and scary that his he should not stand up in one of his business meetings and do anything of protest (we both imagine extreme scenarios in our head and laugh)

    I respect that he has the right to do that but seems a little hypocritical of him when he lives in a million dollar home.. Grew up happily in a white household..and has donated almost nothing to any charity no less an african american one...

  17. It's painful to even watch him being interviewed. Not very bright.

  18. Sure he would speak out for him. He is just like him. No love for our country just our money. (map)

  19. Better hope that's not the message they want to push!!otherwise his NFL career I'm sure it will be exemplatory. I hope he falls on his face and his career crashes and burns.

  20. He is a piece of s---. He is the one that is being disrespectful to all of the service men & women that have, and are still fighting for this country....and for him to be fortunate enough to make all of that money playing football.
    And by the way, he is not black. He is half white, half black.

  21. I am sorry but sitting down while our nation anthem is being played should be illegal same as disrespecting the flag,
    Year in jail $10,000 fine.

  22. Freedom really is free.
    Kaepernick enjoys the freedoms that God gave to all of us.
    Sit, Stand, Wink, Nodd, whatever.

    We all have free will.
    Thank God!

  23. Wasn't he fined for using the N-word towards another player...LOL

  24. But he's not "entitled" to his job. When he is in uniform, he is on the job, and he is representing the team. Unless the team and its owner have the same opinion as he does, it has no place on the field. When in uniform, stand! Put on the street clothes and do what you want. He should be fired, period.

  25. For many years there have been some who burn our flag, refuse to say the Pledge of Allegiance, and a few ignore the playing of our National Anthem by talking, walking or sitting down while it's being played or sung. True American patriots who understand the hardships of our first colonists and those who fought for our freedoms today, should understand it's this freedom that we can enjoy without punishment. To ignore this guy would've been better, or quietly protest by burning his jerseys or however way you choose. But that's our right as free Americans.

  26. I agree he has the right to free speech. But there are better ways to object to inequality without disrespecting the flag and our country. Especially considering he is one of the privileged few. Raised by white parents given every opportunity in life that most never get. Black or white. it just seems hypocritical to me that someone so privileged would do something so stupid. He has plenty of money why doesn't he give half of his income to underprivileged people to help that inequality. Just sayin get real or go home.


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