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Friday, September 30, 2016

When Donald Trump Donated More Then $100,000.00 To Hillary in 2009, She Wasn't Complaining!

She implies Donald Trump is a cheat because he doesn't pay taxes. Are Americans really that stupid. Donald Trumps businesses collect and pay billions of dollars in taxes. Mr. Trump has never cheated the United States. He has followed all the rules and regulations, (laws) Hillary Clinton and thousands of other elected officials created. As Mr. Trump stated, CHANGE THE LAWS! If you've ever wondered why businesses are leaving America, Liberals can't seem to thank and recognize successful business people and instead they make false claims they don't pay taxes. You remember, "YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT BUSINESS". 

Funny though, in 2009 Trump made a huge donation to Hillary and guess what, she never complained then. In fact, look at ALL of the people who have made major donations to her campaign this go around. THEY DON'T PAY TAXES EITHER! Talk about a hypocrite! Do as I say, not as I do.  


  1. She set that trap and he walked right into it!

  2. You must understand , she was running against Obama , he had to pick between the lesser of 2 evils. Damn shame , it was a hard choice with 2 crooked politicians AND 2 SOCIALIST COMMUNIST.

  3. 9:13 if you think they are socialist or communist then you do not understand socialism or communism. But, it is your freedom to continue to support the wealthy 1% to continue to have the most powerful positions in the nation to hold the middle and lower class in a constant feud with each other while the 1% grows more and more rich. I mean WHY on earth would someone so obsessed with money and growing their business ever want to be in a position where he can control the economy and trade laws....use whatever portion of a normal human brain you have and think.

  4. Don't get close to her. Drowning people grab on and flail and take those nearby down with them.

  5. Dear 9:13 , so kind of you to make the remark that I don't understand socialism or communism . As a matter of fact if you have studied the history of Hillary or Obama you would also know that they are both . They have admitted that they believe in both , is it you who don't know or understand?

  6. Communism was created by rich academics to provide cover for the financial dictatorship of the international bankers.

    Karl Marx was from a very rich Jewish banking family.
    He pretended that he "favored the proletariat".
    It was a ruse. A complete fabrication. A lie.
    He was working for intelligence all along.

  7. Like Trump said..."You've had 30 years... Why should we believe you're gonna change anything now...this time?"


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