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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Washington Post Promptly Declares Hillary's Health 'Real Issue' After Calling it 'Conspiracy'

Chris Cillizza, an author at the Washington Post’s “The Fix” blog, abruptly changed course and admitted that concerns about Hillary Clinton’s health are “a real issue in the presidential campaign” — after spending much of the week criticizing this narrative as a “conspiracy theory.”

On Tuesday, Cillizza concern trolled Donald Trump, saying that it would hurt his campaign to question Clinton’s health. The day after she suffered a four-minute coughing and choking episode, Cillizza’s headline blared: “Can we just stop talking about Hillary Clinton’s health now?”

What Trump cannot — or, at least, should not — do is continue to engage with these wacky theories that emerge out of the fever swamps on the very fringe of the conservative movement. Every single person who believes in the Clinton health conspiracy is already for Trump. What he needs to do is find ways to reach voters who have doubts about him but may carry even graver doubts about Clinton’s ability to do the job in an honest and transparent way.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the real world, WP, not the one you did your damnedest to create for your milllionaire shareholders and their gazillionaire friends.


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