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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Washington Monument to be closed indefinitely

WASHINGTON — The Washington Monument will remain closed indefinitely as officials continue to struggle with the elevator problems that have dogged the structure for years.

“We have not been able to determine the causes of the ongoing reliability issues,” said Mike Litterst, of the National Park Service, in a statement Monday. “As a result, we have made the difficult decision not to reopen the Washington Monument until we can modernize the elevator control system.”

After the monument was closed in August due to elevator problems three times in a five-day span, Litterst told WTOP, the park service was prompted to “close it down and spend some time getting in and … (giving) it a really thorough evaluation.”

After that, the plan was to reopen the monument until a full-scale modernization could be done.



  1. One of the iconic images/structures of our country, and it was allowed to go into disrepair to the point it closes down.
    You would think that some small part of the $20 Trillion debt would've been earmarked for this treasure.
    Again: We are quickly becoming a third-world nation. I'll bet that even Mexico takes better care of their monuments.

  2. Call Trump he will fix it!

  3. This is a monument that will cause racial issues. Watch and see.

  4. I did the stairs a couple times. It's quite a hump! Don't think they have allowed that for some time.

  5. Built with OUR money.
    And whomever is in charge decides that he won't ALLOW us to walk up?
    Its an elevator. A machine.
    Who did they call to fix it, Ghostbusters?
    Keep cheering.

  6. Wasn't the monument damaged/cracked from the earthquake in VA about 5 yrs ago? Maybe some lingering problems from that.

  7. My bet is they are going to remove the plaque from the top. For those of you who do not know what's up there......research....look it up, like everything else, verify.

  8. How tall is the Washington Monument?

    Does anyone know?


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