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Sunday, September 25, 2016

VIDEO:Hagerstown girl, 15, pepper sprayed, charged after bike crash

HAGERSTOWN — Police pepper-sprayed a 15-year-old girl and charged her as a juvenile with assault and disorderly conduct after her bicycle hit a car, prompting disagreement Wednesday about whether the officers acted properly.

Hagerstown Police Capt. Paul Kifer said the white officer who arrested the mixed-race girl had to subdue her with chemical spray to get her into a cruiser for a ride to the police station Sunday.

Kifer said the girl had refused to cooperate with police trying to question her about the accident and find a parent to authorize her refusal to receive medical treatment from paramedics on the scene.

“The investigation had to be done,” Kifer said. He said that while she appeared uninjured, police also wanted to make sure the girl wasn’t hurt and find out who she was.



  1. She needs a bar of soap shoved in her mouth!

  2. This is a prime example of the issues officers deal with on a daily basis. Non-compliance coupled with an attitude that the individual can do as he/she pleases in the face of a lawful order. Add to that bystanders that are looking to inflame the situation ('you let that badge go to your head') - all with their handy cell phones recording away. To say the least, the officers operated correctly, respectfully and with restraint, just as they should. The young lady serves an object lesson of what NOT to do.

  3. Those officers were one heck of a lot more patient than I would have been! I would have sprayed her back when she was resisting the cuffs!

  4. I watched the video from beginning to end. The officer deserves a metal! Was very professional and used a lot of restraint! Good example of how bad it has gotten in society. The other guy knew who she was, but would not cooperate with a name or address. She deserved to be smacked or a good wack with a knight stick would have made her listen. This is kind of crap my kids had to deal with in the public school system. I'm sure she will end up in prison one day. No respect for police or authority.

  5. I tell you what.
    When the police show up, you cannot win. Which, really, is as it should be.
    THEY have the legal right to take control of whatever situation they encounter, using the necessary force to do so.
    When they say "put your hands up", put them up. When they say "don't move" or "stop walking to your car!", thats what you do.
    Someone in society needs to be appointed to do the job the police do, and I'm not talking about traffic enforcement. I'm talking about the people who show up for a domestic violence call, or a robbery, or a bar fight. SOMEONE must be able to sort things out, maintain the peace, and restore order. For the rest of us. That would be the police.
    I think that a cop who shoots someone with their hands up should go to prison.
    But (and I'm referring to the Charlotte man who was killed), when police tell you to stop walking to your car and you keep walking??? You are one big dumb ass.
    When they say "keep your hands up" or "let me see your hands!!" and you reach down to pull your pants up or turn around so they can't see either hand, you are one big dumb ass.
    The police DO murder people in cold blood. That is a FACT.
    It's also a fact that a lot of civilian deaths could be avoided by civilians just saying "yes, sir" and doing what a man with a gun (and the authority to kill you at will) says to do.
    Refer back to my beginning premise.
    Keep cheering.

    1. I'm glad you learned something finally.

  6. I remember those days back in the early 70's when my mouth ran a bit too much and it was off to the bathroom to wash my mouth out with Ivory Soap and that was a good lesson learned!

    Ha, today you try to do that it would be child abuse.


  7. First, thank you law enforcement for doing a job that is thankless.
    All involved were very professional except for the nasty mouth defendant. Monday quarter backers will make this the fault of the cops. Why would she axe for black cop Zack or whatever. I thought I heard her screaming I can't breath after a shot of hot. If so, we will hear it again, over and over. Some liberal will give the family a big pay day for their child's bad actions.

  8. Cell phones have ruined everything in the world the old days you got a smack in the head now everyone is a thug pt lawyer.

  9. Most people do scream when they pull your arm up behind you and pull it out of the socket. Typical tactic.

  10. Good job Hagerstown PD. !!!

  11. Little trash talking chicken head ,O im sorry she is a miner bitty head!

  12. Trash! But the blacks will make excuses for her. Then when she turns to a life of crime and ends up murdered like the imbeciles they are they will wonder why, Too dumb to figure out it starts with a complete disrespect of everything including another person's property and the police.

    1. The Blacks? Lol. Ain her mom white? You whites brought that into this world. We ain claiming that. Lol

    2. Her father is black...try researching before commenting. Makes you look a little smarter .

  13. If that was my daughter I would stuff a bar of soap in her mouth and whoop her butt!

  14. So typical of kids now. No one can tell them what to do but they aren't so darn tough when they get corrected. What a joke.

  15. What I just saw was a prime example why we all should be supporting body cams for cops. Protects both sides!

  16. They call THAT being pepper-sprayed????

    There was so little of the spray dispensed that I would wonder if it even had any effect on the little bitch.

  17. She is a disrespectful little punk. She deserved everything she got. Unfortunately which wasn't much. Good for the police. Black people can't scream black lives matter and then act like fools in the face of authority. It is being hypocritical. If she would had just acted civil, none of this would even be mentioned. So sick of people screaming people aren't being treated fairly when they act like that. Grow up and grow wiser people. Open your eyes and minds

    1. Smh gave the racists on here credit to early before i thoroughly read... i would have totally agreed if u had also addresed the ignorance & triphlin behavior that other half of her, the white half also displays in society. Get your ignorant, mindless head out your ass and realize we have a problem in the good ol USA and all ethnic groups especially the black & white are doing a good job of being the cause. If you say different then you must sit in the house with no access to nothing.

    2. FACT: Whites aren't killing whites at the rate blacks kill blacks. Whites protest peacefully. They don't loot, steal, assault, and kill their own while protesting. No race is perfect but no race is as out of control as yours. Truth hurts.

  18. Why was a fire truck and a fire command SUV there?

    I noticed the Goof wearing the white shirt trying to look important was only a Basic EMT. How can he command or supervise a paramedic when he can't even do their jobs and he doesn't even understand their jobs.

    The Paramedics should be supervising the firefighters because they can do the firefighters jobs but the firefighter EMT can't do their jobs.


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