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Thursday, September 15, 2016

US Official: Difficult to Alter US Elections Through Hacking

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama’s homeland security adviser said Wednesday that it would be very hard for someone to hack into America’s voting systems in a way that could alter an election outcome.

Lisa Monaco, speaking at an event commemorating the 10-year anniversary of the Justice Department’s national security division, said election systems by and large are not hooked up to the Internet and are diffusely operated by state and local governments.

“That makes it extremely disparate, extremely diffuse and, as a consequence, extremely difficult to have an effect across the board that would result in a change in results,” Monaco said during a question-and-answer session.



  1. So everybody want to compete and see who can tell the biggest lie.

  2. Another obama lie , Hillary taught him well.

  3. Sure and I have a bridge to sell. (map)

  4. There is no vote hacking threat.

    No wait there is vote hacking threat but its only the russians.

    Sorry folks I was wrong there is no vote hacking threat from the russians.

    So Barry which is it?

  5. Funny how we are supposed to believe one of the very people that would be rigging it.

  6. We're all well aware the corruption is all in the program and design of the SD cards....multiple youtube video's have confirmed what most thought for years now....no hacking involved.

  7. This is bracing us for it.It was not necessary to make such an announcement before Trump came along and blew their cover.After reading this we can absolutely expect the election to be rigged.And what's this I keep hearing about Obama's 3rd term?Is that just left wing crap?

  8. Love advice from a crew that's been hacked!

  9. And the fish jumped clear over the boat!

  10. The hack is the cover story. By claiming a hack they now have what they need to go in and start "testing" the machines. You can't hack a voting machine over the internet so the whole story is obviously a bogus cover up for the actual hands on hacking that Obama and Hillary's people are doing as we speak.

  11. Same people that buy into this also think Hillary Clinton is honest.

  12. Bull. I don't believe it.


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