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Sunday, September 04, 2016

UPDATE | 17-year-old charged with bus assault on 5-year-old turns himself in to police

BAMBERG, S.C. (WRDW/WAGT) -- A 17-year-old accused of hitting a 5-year-old girl on a school bus has turned himself in to police Tuesday morning.

Tavon Walters turned himself in at 10 a.m., and a bond hearing is scheduled for 3 p.m. Tuesday.

Walters is accused of hitting the girl on the bus ride from the schools to the after school program.

Parents of a 5 year-old girl are furious. They say security video, taken on a Bamberg school bus, shows her being hit. Now, the 17-year-old accused of hitting her has a warrant out for his arrest. Jasmine's parents want to know why the high school student was allowed to ride the bus in the first place.

Terry Peters says he immediately noticed the mark on his little girl's face when he picked her up from after school care on Thursday. "I'm very upset! I'm mad," Peters said.

He says the daycare workers told him 17 year old Tavon Walters, a high school student, hit his daughter on the bus ride from the schools to the after school program. "He had reached over that seat and telling another girl if you don't hit her then I'm going to hit her for you," the father said.



  1. That SOB! Needs to be kicked out of school period! But of course the school system will probably use the local tax payers money to send him to Anger Management classes or some BS. If he were my son he'd be bruised up and his picture would be sent to all social media.

    1. Obama will invite him to the WH and a Pardon.

  2. Your welcome....)

  3. I'm pretty sure the parent know some big burly 17 year old farmer dude who can make everything right again.

  4. Let the father spend 15 min with the coward.

  5. Glad he has turned himself in.

    No excuse for that.

  6. If Obama had a son ...

  7. Maybe the trash thought he would be better off in police custody. He had better get out of Dodge, some good ole boy will take care of this trash, even if not related to the precious little girl.

  8. 2:45 - That's nonsense. You may not like his politics but all evidence shows that President Obama is a great Father.

  9. He needs to be taken out.

  10. He will be part of the obama thug realese program.

  11. Adoptive father at best.

  12. Lucky that aint my kid.

  13. 4:08 you Libtard the poster is making reference to the kid wearing the hoody that crazy fool shot. Sad thing is the kid did not have gun and they both died. Ohblahblah defended the kid before the facts were even out. George somebody was the shooter I have forgotten both names it was a media shit storm and MSM made it a story. I will agree he is probably a great father and husband. The man sucks as a president. You can not deny that no matter what color or political party you identify with. "Identify with" isn't that a great politically correct term for morons.

  14. 4:08 PM, yea the example of his pot smoking privileged daughter certainly shows you what a great father he is.

    Trumps kids do not do drugs, drink or smoke. Obama's over privileged daughter does. She has a future handed to her and she ends up being a pot head. Great parental leadership you have there!

  15. Let him out and let him walk home.

  16. hey don't blame pot just cause obummers daughter is a over privileged liberal!
    I found her twerking to be really offensive though! sure he loved that as a dad!


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