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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Tulsa Police Officer Charged in Man’s Death

TULSA, Okla. (AP) — Prosecutors in Tulsa, Oklahoma, charged a white police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black man on a city street with first-degree manslaughter Thursday.

Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler filed the charges against officer Betty Shelby, who shot and killed 40-year-old Terence Crutcher on Sept. 16. Dashcam and aerial footage of the shooting and its aftermath showed Crutcher walking away from Shelby with his arms in the air.

The footage does not offer a clear view of when Shelby fired the single shot that killed Crutcher. Her attorney has said Crutcher was not following police commands and that Shelby opened fire when the man began to reach into his SUV window.

But Crutcher’s family immediately discounted that claim, saying the father of four posed no threat to the officers, and police said Crutcher did not have gun on him or in his vehicle.



  1. One thing. She can shoot.

  2. And how does the family know he had no gun, they don't know that for sure.

    1. Read it again buddy! It says police found no weapon!

  3. The car window was NOT CLOSED and she will walk just like baltimore.

  4. Good deal. Now we'll see a trial. But you already know the cop will get off because they purposely send them in for a trial for a charge they cannot prove instead of going for a lesser charge that actually fits the crime.

    What I don't get is if they felt so threatened by dude not complying and walking to his car, why didn't they just taze him and take him down in the first place. Cops stories just don't add up in the end.

    1. He was being tazered before being shot!

  5. 8:17 Is wrong.

    Enhanced video shows the window was completely up. He could not have "reached into the window", unless he had some kind of super powers.
    The pictures of the window were on all the news programs this morning.
    The woman who shot him claimed she did so because he was reaching into the car.
    It doesn't look good when the premise of your actions begins with a lie.
    And now, the police WILL NOT (!) release the video of the shooting????
    Keep cheering.

  6. He was a pimp thug with a huge rap sheet carrying dope, and he was a Pastor ????????

  7. The prosecutor went down to the local Staples store and pushed the EASY BUTTON on this one.

  8. He did reach under his shirt and back out with his right hand just prior to getting shot. Don't know if officers could see whether window was up or down, but it's evident he was not complying with people who were pointing guns at him and whoops, he got shot. See the helicopter shot.

  9. He never reached under his shirt! He complied 100%! Fact is this cop as with the majority are cowards! Period! The dangerous part of their jobs is waiting until they confirm a lethal weapon visually! This assuming and anticipating is crap! Fear for their lives? Crap unless a weapon is confirmed! Fry this coward! And all cops who shoot without confirming a weapon! We need cops like we did from decades ago! Used to be a time when even in a weapon was found if a cop shot a perp with a weapon,if it wasn't visually confirmed they would be charged with murder! And found guilty! Wanna be a cop? Grow a set!

    1. How did he comply? He complied 0%.

  10. Someone that was not cut out for the job. Im sure his size alone had her on edge. Some people just should NOT become police officers.


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