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Monday, September 26, 2016

Trump Vows to Drive Down College Costs: 'Education Is the Bedrock of Our Society'

Donald J. Trump, the GOP nominee for president, rallied with supporters in Chester Township, Pennsylvania with his call for a law and order program that protects all citizens and a new plan to drive down the cost of public college tuition.

“The rioting in our streets is a threat to all peaceful citizens. It must be ended,” said Trump, who did not directly name the mayhem and violence that dominated Charlotte Tuesday and Wednesday–but, it was clearly understood by everyone in the audience at the Sun Center Studios.

“The main victims of these violent demonstrations are law-abiding African-Americans who live in these communities and only want to raise their children in peace,” he said. “Who is looking out for them?”


  1. First you have to deal with the High school and Elementary school students who disrupt and threaten the teachers and student body which hinders education.

  2. We do not want the POTUS to "drive prices down" for college or anything else. That is not the POTUS job.

  3. Pass the torch back to the States. Get the Feds out of education and everything else. States, raise the bar for every grade so HS grads can go directly to work next day. Right now, they are non reading non spelling math inept cripples. They can't make a real sentence.


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