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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Trump surges into national lead over Hillary

4.4% spike in aftermath of Clinton's collapse on 9/11

Donald Trump took a three-point lead in the Los Angeles Times tracking poll of the 2016 presidential race Tuesday, topping Hillary Clinton by 45.8 percent to 42.8 percent and breaking free from a virtual tie just a day earlier.

It was a 4.4 percent spike for Trump since Sunday.

The result, however, remains in the poll’s “area of uncertainty,” which means the race is too close to call.

The USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times Presidential Election Daybreak Poll is the first to reflect voters’ sentiments after Clinton’s near-collapse on camera in New York on Sunday. Clinton left a 9/11 memorial event early because she wasn’t feeling well, and then, while entering a limousine, took a couple of jerky steps and fell, with Secret Service preventing her from landing on the ground.

The Trump support comes amid reports that Democrats are worried that Clinton might need to be replaced.



  1. I've been glued to the polls all day. States that were once safe dem are now up in the air. States that were leaning GOP are now heading in the likely GOP area. Let's hope she takes another spill today and lies about it

  2. It's over for clintons. Trump 2016

  3. Work, harder than ever to get him elected its not over and they will cheat they always do.

  4. 12:32, sorry you wasted your day. Trump is 95/5 where I live, and yes, I'm sure there are still Hillary supporters, I just don't see that it's any more than 20% of H vs. T voters.

    But, it is an entertainment source.


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