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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Top Clinton aide dismissed IT specialist's concerns about private email server

A top aide to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton dismissed concerns a State Department IT specialist brought to her about Clinton's private email server, according to newly released interview summaries from an FBI investigation.

The 189 pages of documents released Friday include notes of agents' interviews with Mills, Huma Abedin and others close to the Democratic presidential nominee.

According to the documents, tech expert Bryan Pagliano revealed to FBI agents that one of his State Department colleagues told him "in late 2009 or early 2010" that Clinton's use of a private email address to handle her correspondence "may be a federal records retention issue."

In a separate conversation, Pagliano's IT colleague, whose identity is redacted in the documents, said that "he wouldn’t be surprised if classified information was being transmitted."


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