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Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Salvation Army Needs Your Help

The Salvation Army Needs Your Help to Feed 3,192 
People This Holiday Season

You can make this a holiday to remember for the hungriest families on the Lower eastern Shore

As unemployment remains high and many people are still struggling, The Salvation Army is sounding an urgent call to Eastern Shore neighbors to respond generously to the needs of the less fortunate. The Army is asking for immediate donations of cash, non-perishable food, and volunteers to help with program service during the holidays.

The organization will be providing food baskets for 2,000 this year at the Youth Club gym on December the 22nd and 23rd as well as it ongoing assistance during November and December.

“We need $5,000 just to cover the costs of providing food to those in need on the Lower Eastern Shore this holiday season,” says Major Vic Tidman. “The number of families finding themselves in desperate financial straits continues to increase in our local communities. The need for compassionate support from the community is more essential than ever.”

“We know people have been seriously affected by the deep recession over the past few years, and we are grateful to generous friends who have provided faithful support for those struggling to make ends meet,” says Major Tidman. “Unfortunately, the need has not decreased, and the level of public support is just not keeping up. It is particularly sad for us to see the growing numbers of families with children who have lost their homes and are now needing our help.”

The economic situation has contributed to the drop in local donations too. In fact, some who have been generous supporters in the past are now coming to our doors in need of help themselves.

Many struggling individuals feel forgotten and disheartened as they approach the Holiday season, but The Salvation Army believes the community will once again step forward and help those who need it most. “We’ve been doing this work for over 100 years so we’re not going to turn away any deserving neighbor now,” says Major Tidman. “The Salvation Army plans on doing the most good we can with the gifts we receive to help those in the greatest need in our community. We urge our friends, those whose circumstances will allow, to dig deep this year to spread the spirit of Thanksgiving to those who are facing particularly hard times.”

To donate to The Salvation Army, please call 410.749.771, mail your gift to 407 Oak Street, Salisbury, Maryland, 21804, donate online at http://salarmyles.org, or Text Give to 410.202.0995.

About The Salvation Army on the Lower Eastern Shore

The Salvation Army, an evangelical part of the universal Christian church established in 1865, has been supporting those in need in His name without discrimination for 130 years in the United States. Over 103 years on The Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland. Nearly 30 million Americans receive assistance from The Salvation Army each year through the broadest array of social services that range from providing food for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, clothing and shelter to the homeless and opportunities for underprivileged children. 82 cents of every dollar spent is used to carry out those services in 5,000 communities nationwide.


  1. I would be more inclined to help if the Salvation Army wasn't trying to keep two locations working in Salisbury. They built this big new millon dollar building on the other side of town, and then worry about feeding the hungry, it is called greed.

  2. While the Government is saying that unemployment is lowest since 2008.

    Who do you believe, Barack, Hillary, or those in your own town?

  3. I would be more inclined to help if some of these people would at least try to help themselves instead of always standing in line for that handout. When you see the same people year after year getting the help, to me something is just wrong with that picture.

  4. Sadly it is easy to be judgmental when you are not walking you their shoes. My concern is with the Salvation Army and their mismanagement and inability to properly finance themselves. Where did all the money go to and why are they so in debt.

  5. There are no jobs providing livable wages in this town. That is why you see the same people year after year. It is not that they are not trying to help themselves, but there are only so many hours in a day when you are making $10/hr.

  6. Let them use their WIC cards and free school lunches.

  7. The Salvation would have more money also if they would do a better job of recruiting volunteers for the red kettles instead of paying individuals. And, yes I have volunteered.

  8. not from me........

  9. I joined the Salvation Army for a couple of years and all I saw was those in charge not knowing how to save $ but spend it. They would arrange trips for the seniors and then cancel them the night before with no explanation. The clothes they sell should be cheaper because the homeless and the really needy need the break. You can actually buy a lot of stuff cheaper at Ollies than the Salvation Army. No I will not help them in any way, the employees get the pick of everything before it goes for sale, and they do have a job.

  10. 1015
    Thank you - you changed my mind.


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