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Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Great 9/11 Coverup

Did you happen to notice that after more than a decade of the ‘news’ media’s demanding publication of “the missing 28 pages” (which turned out actually to have been 29 pages) from the U.S. Congress’s investigation into 9/11, the document’s press-coverage, finally, on 15 July 2016, turned out to have been little-to-none? And did you notice that the little there was, said it contained nothing important? Perhaps you didn’t get to know even this much about the press-coverage of it, because the U.S. Congress, which had been hiding the document ever since 2003, dumped it on a Friday night, in order for it to receive as little press-coverage as possible.

Well, what that document actually showed, and proved (and cited FBI investigators who could then have testified in public, if requested), was the opposite of unimportant: that the Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud (who was known in Washington as “Bandar Bush,” because of his closeness to the Bush family), had secretly been paying the Saudi handlers of at least two of the 15 Saudis among the 19 9/11 hijackers, and that Bandar’s wife and other relatives were also paying those hijackers-to-be, and their families — thus enabling the future hijackers to obtain the necessary pilot-training etc., for the 9/11 attacks.

How much news-coverage of this was there in the U.S.’democracy’ that is supposed to be informing the public about such things, instead of continuing the cover-ups of them?

Why do U.S. ‘news’ media hide it — after having demanded for more than ten years that the ‘missing 28 pages’ become published?



  1. People are too busy making excuses for Clinton both in MSM and public they don't want to be bothered with trivials like what really happened. Like Clinton's ailing health, they'd rather believe the myths propagated by propaganda rather than reality that our government has been duping Americans for three decades with nonsense and skitterbutt BS. But the truth is coming out whether or not they want to accept is purely on them!

  2. They get the government they deserve.

  3. The whole federal government took a nap on their watch on September 11, 2001 and lied to the American people after the attack. Only ONE man spoke at the 911 Commission Hearing and told the truth. All other government official lied. They failed their duties and oath of office to protect the United States of American and it's people.

    Another thing, today it appeared Hildabeast suffered from heat exhaustion at the 911 Memorial. Heat exhaustion my azz. It appeared to be a seizure attack to me. Did you see how the secret service and her Mandigo Doctor tried to cover that all up. That women is physically and mentally NOT fit to be the President of the United States

  4. How long before the idiot desperate liberals blame Trump ?

  5. I haven't trusted our government for Many years. We the people have been asleep for far too long, allowing the government/public school system to completely indoctrinate our children for generations, dumbing them down with twisted, distorted history and total lies. Parents did NOT pay attention and for the ones who saw what was happening and pulled their children out of this system; they were ridiculed for their efforts.

    Now what do we have...a class of complete idiots dependent on the government for their info and sustenance. My generation will pass on and those that are left behind will have to suffer. Only God can help this nation and it's citizens...but is this what the people want? Most are too ignorant or proud to call on God.

  6. You cant handle the truth!

  7. These so-called documents are a cover up of the truth.
    The truth is quite bizarre.

  8. Jet fuel can't melt steel.

  9. The whole 911 thing was a cover up for what really happened. There were 4 men going to reveal things about the Clinton's and they were going to talk to the FBI. They worked at the World Trade center but the Clinton's couldn't find out which tower, so they had to knock them both down before these men talked. This is what is being covered up!!! More Clinton bodies.

  10. HILLARY'S collapsing on 09-11. is George Bushes fault

  11. Aluminum and plastic aircraft crushing steel and concrete buildings into dust is proof America is a dying empire and the education system is worse than third world. Keep waiting for your accurate report created by the people responsible.


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