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Saturday, September 03, 2016

The Election Year Fix is In... But Can Janet Make It To November?

The election year fix is in… and Janet Yellen is praying the markets hold together until November.

President Obama met privately with Yellen in April of this year. It was their first private meeting together since November 2014 (the Congressional election in which the GOP took both houses of Congress).

President Barack Obama met with Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen on Monday to discuss the U.S. economy amid signs that growth may be slowing as consumers retreat from spending.

Ahead of the afternoon meeting, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest described Obama as "pleased" with Yellen, who he appointed to lead the Fed in 2014. It is the first time since November 2014 that the Fed chair has met with the president on her own. The meeting was closed to the news media.

Source: Bloomberg

The timing of these meetings is not coincidental. And if you think Obama and Yellen were discussing “signs that growth may be slowing” a mere 8 months before the former left office, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. The economy has been weak for EIGHT years. This is not a new issue.



  1. do you really believe that 'we the people' didn't realize the economy has been weak for MANY years. what on earth are you drinking, you idiots. you're lies haven't fooled us one bit. why do you think those of us who has a lick of common sense are voting for Mr. Trump?! again you lying idiots, you didn't fool us.


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