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Monday, September 12, 2016

Testing Has Already Begun

I'm not sure about your kids but ours informed us that all they're doing in school is testing. Funny how the kids have been out of school for months, they go right into testing and at the end of the year they'll give them the same test to show how much they have improved. What a load of crap. 


  1. saw this a bit ago on canadian website proving their education process isn't up to snuff neither

  2. Oh don't you just love common core, where the person who heads common core and implements test, known absolutely nothing about education...

    So lets get to it then, The good ole I TOLD YOU ALL SO again and again and again... When will you clowns learn??? Oh that is right never because you rather listen to the media who lies to you and is a proven liar... Where as you demonize someone who has a great reputation and evidence, and you jaw jack about conspiracy this and that, well it looks like these conspiracy people know more than your stupid ass, and it is sad you will believe a known liar of anyone, even a dog...

  3. Testing at the beginning and the end is a standard practice that has been part of education since the beginning. It has nothing to do special with common core.

  4. There's been a lot of discussion lately by educators about how much learning is forgotten during summer vacations. Some would have our kids, as is done in many of the countries whose kids have much better scores, go to school the entire year, with several two or three week breaks instead of a two to three month summer break.

  5. School should be all year long.


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