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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Ruppersberger: Edward Snowden A 'Criminal' Who Endangered Americans

Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger was the ranking member on the House intelligence committee when Edward Snowden leaked classified documents about government surveillance.

Now, while Snowden remains in asylum in Russia, and a movie based on his actions heads into theaters, a new report by that House committee has come out calling Snowden a traitor who did damage to America's national security interests.

The Republican-led committee released a three-page unclassified summary of its two-year bipartisan examination of how Snowden was able to remove the documents from secure NSA networks, what the documents contained and the damage their removal caused to U.S. national security.

Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the ranking Democrat on the House intelligence committee, said the probe revealed that the vast majority of what Snowden took had nothing to do with American privacy.



  1. Yet we don't even know the depth of what Hillary has leaked with her personal server!

  2. If I were them, I'd say the same thing.

    It's BS, but what else did you think they'd say??
    Don't just nod your head and say "yassa' massa"....
    Keep cheering, too.

  3. Snowden may be a criminal, but I will take him over Hillary any day.

  4. snowden is the nader of this generation

  5. Snowdon threw his life away for the benefit of the American people. He is a hero. Shame more don't have his balls.

  6. The only Americans Snowden endangered were the secretive government employess and the politician enablers of the CIA, NSA and FBI. The rest of us were liberated by the release of Snowdens "stolen" information.

  7. Snowden is a hero and a true patriot

  8. If he had just sold a pound of cocaine to a Crip, obama would have given him a pardon....
    expose a criminal (what the NSA did was against the law AND their charter mission) endeavor by the government and he's a traitor????
    Keep cheering.


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