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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Rudy Giuliani: Hillary Clinton 'Too Stupid' To Be President

Former New York Mayor and Donald Trump supporter Rudy Giuliani told Politico Monday night that Hillary Clinton is too stupid to be president because she decided to stay with her husband Bill Clinton despite his infidelities.

Trump alluded to the Clinton White House scandal involving Lewinsky at the Monday night debate against Hillary Clinton but decided to hold back on the issue instead. Giuliani, however, told Politico he would have attacked Clinton over the controversy.

“I sure would’ve talked about what she did to Monica Lewinsky, what that woman standing there did to Monica Lewinsky, trying to paint her as an insane young woman when in fact Monica Lewinsky was an intern,” Giuliani said. “The president of the United States, her husband, disgraced this country with what he did in the Oval Office and she didn’t just stand by him, she attacked Monica Lewinsky. And after being married to Bill Clinton for 20 years, if you didn’t know the moment Monica Lewinsky said that Bill Clinton violated her that she was telling the truth, then you’re too stupid to be president.”



  1. For Hillary, Bill was and is just a tool. She had to protect him to protect her own future interests.

  2. Yes - he is correct!!


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