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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Prescription painkillers are more widely used than tobacco, new federal study finds

More than 1 in 3 American adults -- 35 percent -- were given painkiller prescriptions by medical providers last year. The total rate of painkiller use is even higher -- 38 percent -- when you factor in the number of adults who obtained painkillers for misuse via other means, from friends or relatives, or via drug dealers.

These numbers come from a recent Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration report that highlights the stunning ubiquity of prescription painkillers in modern American life. The report indicates that in 2015, more American adults used prescription painkillers than used cigarettes, smokeless tobacco or cigars -- combined.



  1. Surprise suprise another federally funded business attempting to justify their paychecks.

  2. New report: Prescription pain pill usage is DOWN in states with legal marijuana.

  3. New report Drs aren't writing pain pills that's why the increase on heroin.

  4. Anonymous said...
    New report Drs aren't writing pain pills that's why the increase on heroin.

    September 22, 2016 at 8:39 PM

    That has nothing to do with it. These crack heads inject heroin because they want to just like a drunk wants to drink a beer. Quit blaming the doctors and Pharm. companies for idiots not taking responsibility for their own issues.

  5. Peace Aliance of the Lower Shore (PALS) has a bunch of Prescription Drug Dependant jerks in that group..

  6. Big Pharma employees are now "high fiving each other"

  7. 950
    You don't understand, or have zero compassion for a person who is addicted to a substance.

    Plus, crack is a derivative of cocaine. Not heroin.


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