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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Poll: 67 percent support Hogan’s post-Labor Day back-to-school order

WASHINGTON — Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s executive order mandating public schools in the state keep their doors closed for the summer until after Labor Day enjoys overwhelming public support, according to a poll released Monday.

About 67 percent of Marylanders approve of Hogan’s executive order on school start dates, according to a Goucher College poll, which surveyed 668 Maryland residents between Sept. 17-20. About 19 percent of respondents opposed the order, and 13 percent said they didn’t know or didn’t answer the question. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.8 percent.

Support for the measure came despite general opposition to the use of executive orders to make policy. More than half of respondents — 54 percent — said they think governors should “rarely or never use” executive orders to put regulations in place without the state legislature’s approval.

Hogan issued the executive order Aug. 31 arguing the change to the school calendar would give families more time to enjoy summer vacations, save on energy costs and boost the coffers of the state’s tourism industry.



  1. What would good reasons be for not starting after Labor Day?

  2. You can make polls do anything you want. AND 668 is not many residents and I would like to know how many from each county were polled.

  3. If you start after labor day vacation/holiday or whatever you want to call days off school will be reduced. I enjoy that time with my kids and it is a nice break for them.

    What good reasons other than Worcester County crybabies are there for not starting before labor day?

  4. The people have spoken.

  5. Spoken what??? My kids went back in the middle of august.....are done by the first week of june...who cares about labor day weekend.....and my kids get 3 week off at xmas.....

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you start after labor day vacation/holiday or whatever you want to call days off school will be reduced. I enjoy that time with my kids and it is a nice break for them.

    What good reasons other than Worcester County crybabies are there for not starting before labor day?

    September 27, 2016 at 7:22 PM

    Since you are to stupid to understand I will help you out. You will get the same amount of days off!! Idiot!

  7. Anonymous said...
    Spoken what??? My kids went back in the middle of august.....are done by the first week of june...who cares about labor day weekend.....and my kids get 3 week off at xmas.....

    September 27, 2016 at 9:11 PM

    Who cares about an extra week off at Christmas. You obviously don't know what you are talking about. So since you aren't intelligent enough to figure it out I will inform you. Your math skills need some polishing because if you go back the middle of August adn get out the first week of June their is no way conceivable that you get off an extra week at Christmas. The law is 180 school days for public schools!

  8. I like it when schools start early. It gives the locals time to enjoy the beach that is not crowded by tourist.

  9. I think they need to take some of these days off, out of the calendar. My niece has been back in school for 1 month and they already have had 3 days off! I'm OK with Labor Day but what is the point in sending them back on Monday and then giving them off Friday through Tuesday. Also, WHY are they getting off again last Monday!


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