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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Obama twice tells group in Laos that Americans are ‘lazy’

Does President Obama have the guts to call Americans “lazy” to our faces? Or is he more brave to tear us down a half a world away?

The president twice called Americans “lazy” today as he addressed a group of young leaders in Laos.

“So usually, if you see the environment destroyed, it’s not because that’s necessary for development. It’s usually because we’re being lazy, and we’re not being as creative as we could be about how to do it in a smarter, sustainable way,” Obama said during a town hall meeting.

He also said, “And I believe that the United States is and can be a great force for good in the world. But because we’re such a big country, we haven’t always had to know about other parts of the world.



  1. 160 golf games WHO is Lazy ????POS.

  2. but not him - because he is an "AFRICAN-AMERICAN" - AND playing golf is very industrious - what a JACKA**!

  3. Is he talking about his Welfare peeps ??

  4. I pray that the current squatter of our house, leaves this great nation with the hollyweirds. Trump will of course have to have the place exterminated and maybe the democrat candidate bleach it. She is familiar with that type of work.

  5. Hey obama your daughter was caught smoking pot i bet she is feeling lazy like you.

  6. 12:56 No, you may be lazy. I sure am not. I work for what I have and I save for the future. If you want to live under that label go ahead. The President should be whipped for what he said.

  7. I'd rather be a lazy American than a lying kenyan!

  8. Sorry,
    This is not a great nation.
    Perhaps a "once-great nation" but certainly not a great nation now.

  9. what a jack@ss!

    why dont you walk while playing golf, instead of riding in your cart???

    THATS lazy!


  10. 1:44 Saving for a future on the ES is like saving corn to add to your pile of crap.

  11. 1:55,feel free to move to North Korea.

  12. America,one nation under God love it or leave it!

  13. 335
    Why do you believe you should tell me where to live?
    What on earth would make you think you have that right?

    Is it because you think the US is great, and I disagree with you?

    Get over yourself.
    And stop telling others what to do, or how to think.

  14. 4:28 that is the typical shore billy response to almost everything. Don't like - leave. Looks like most employers and jobs did.

  15. Obama hates America. That's why he talks us down to other countries. He wants them to attack us.

    To all who are bickering among each other here, that's exactly what Obama wants you to do. Racial and class division is how the liberals work to assume power.


  16. The POS president thinks he is some great leader-WRONG, so let him go to Syria, or any of the other God-forsaken countries that like to cut your head off and see how he does over there! He is too afraid to go to the war-torn countries, but he'll run his muslim lying mouth lecturing Americans.

    I will be so glad when all the filth of that family is gone, I just pray they will all be gone forever. Maybe, the african animals have a use for them, we don't.

  17. Let's not forget that his own (lazy?) daughter couldn't keep grades hight enough to get accepted at College. Too many vacations and too much dope smoking?

    Leaves don't fall far from the tree.


  18. Steve, you are so right. (map)

  19. There is a huge difference between the US government, and what the author is calling America.
    The commenters are also very fond of America.
    What they are fond of is their memories of what this place used to be in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s.
    That is long gone.

    The immoral and cliquish US government is a bunch of vile, ruthless, power-hungry war mongers.
    The good people are washed out quickly.
    The US is run by the world's intelligence agencies, who work for the international bankers.

    Learn the truth.
    Stop wailing over a by-gone era in this Country's history.
    Wake up and smell the facism.


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