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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Most of a Md. high school football team kneels during anthem

DAMASCUS, Md. (AP) — A group of high school football players in Maryland is emulating 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick by taking a knee during the national anthem to protest racial injustice.

Most of the Watkins Mill High School football team knelt during the national anthem Friday before kickoff against Damascus High School in Montgomery County. Players on the team also took a knee last week.

Watkins Mill High School’s head coach, Michael Brown, chose to stand, but he says he cannot tell his players either they have to stand or kneel.



  1. Stupid is as Stupid does.

  2. Not the white kids on the shore. My kid would get beaten if I found out he did something stupid like this.

  3. No body should support that football team and if my kid was on the team I would have him quit and turn in his uniform. Even if he was one of the stars on the team.

  4. What would the result be if the opposing coach just pulled his team off the field if he witnessed this from the other team and his team stood and recognized the USA?

  5. Radically disrespectful for Americans to do!

  6. So now I can yell "fire" in a movie theatre? Scream racial slurs in public ? Threaten someone outloud? all in the name of freedom of expression?? Good to know

  7. Damascus? Saul had an epiphany there...

  8. this country is dead. a bunch of rude selfish pricks who only think about themselves is what we have become. screw all the ones who came before us right? all this pc crap makes me sick. who doesn't have a family member somewhere who came home in a casket with a flag draped across it? and now everybody wants to piss on the flag?

    those people disgust me and need a reality check...among other things.

  9. Looks like they stayed on their knees for the entire game. Damascus stomped them! Good Job Hornets!

  10. This "protest" is a slippery slope. What new cause will put athletes on their knees, and when will it not be such a "cool" thing to do?

    Interview each of these kids separately and you'll probably find that scarcely any of them know anything about what they allegedly supported.

  11. The coach CAN tell his players NOT to do this. The people in the stands should have walked away to leave the stands EMPTY!!!

  12. Please don't post all of the comments.

    Some of them tell the truth.

  13. Funny how white people love the 2nd ammendment but have no respect for the 1st

    1. Im not saying , you shouldn't be able to do it , but it is very disrespectful to those who have died for there 1st amendment rights.

  14. Let them sit, kneel, stand on their head, rollover...hope they just planned on staying in Maryland and had no other aspirations. The NFL players that started and have continued this protest already "made it" and have plenty of money and contracts, so if they never play again, sit the bench, oh well. I bet they weren't or wouldn't be kneeling in high school or college. Career ending, nobody will every pay you to play. Congrats Idiots. But hey, you made the prime-time news, so you'll always have that!

  15. Cancel all football games. You don't need to play, you offend me and all that have given you that right. Game time spend in history class and vet hospital.

  16. There is a stage for all protest and that is not one of them. If I were the coach I would forfeit the entire season. The kid standing can play on a team that respects this country. I am glad they got beat losers on the field and in life.

  17. Back to the gym! NO FBALL for you!


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