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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

More Akin To Goebbels

The best thing that could happen during this presidential election is happening. Once and for all, the press is being outed as the traitorous bunch of clowns we have always known they were. Their absolute devotion to anyone not named Trump is driving them into increasingly ridiculous and contemptible positions concerning Hillary Clinton, her crimes and her rapidly declining health. Their only hope is to push the corpse across the finish line of the election and rally around Tim Kaine.

But, millenials are, for all of the bad press about their addiction to video games and their devotion to smoking dope, aregrowing concerned that the emperoress has no clothes, despite the fawning description of the beautiful attire. Never before has reality so closely reflected a fairy tale as the blind, deaf and dumb press corps accommodatingly ignoring the obvious flaws of a pre-ordained head of state. There is always an excuse for a Clinton, always a nuanced explanation that is offered and eagerly consumed by the press.

It depends on what the definition of "heat" is.

The crux of the issue is that the "press" has been given special privileges through our Constitution to allow it to say anything, to print anything they believe is true. Unfortunately, it does not bind them to reporting what they believe is a lie. This goes to the heart of our Republic and their willing cooperation with a given political party is nothing other than traitorous. Information that they are Constitutionally protected to reveal is being withheld, shielded from the public, information that is necessary for the Republic to function.

They either do not realize, or care (either is just as damning as the other) that their political affiliation is being exposed and that they are willing to submit the nation to any degree of poor judgment, criminal activity, or outright corruption in order to secure the election of "one of their own."


1 comment:

  1. Please look at video of HRC's eyes during her recent speech at Temple University. This woman is in rapidly declining health and seems to have something neurologically going on with her (other than her consistent lies, etc.)


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