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Saturday, September 10, 2016

Mitrecic Maintains Performer Violated His Rights On Boardwalk

OCEAN CITY — As Ocean City continues to tip-toe the line between street performer regulations and First Amendment rights, a line clearly defined by the courts on at least two occasions, an impassioned plea for the rights of others trying to enjoy the Boardwalk came from an unlikely source this week.

During the public comment period at Tuesday’s meeting, Worcester County Commissioner and former Ocean City Councilman Joe Mitrecic implored the current Mayor and Council to continue to find a way to rein in some of the busker activity on the Boardwalk after a personal experience last weekend. Mitrecic, who made it clear he was speaking as a citizen and not as the Worcester County Commissioner who represents Ocean City in Snow Hill, said he went to the Boardwalk on a recent Sunday to enjoy the Sandfest sculptures and came away with increased disdain for at least some of the street performers.

Mitrecic said he and his wife walked along and looked at the sand sculptures during the daylight hours, then went to have dinner at a Boardwalk restaurant with a plan to return afterwards to view the sculptures illuminated at night. However, Mitrecic said the couple’s dining experience was marred by the loud music he characterized as noise from an electric violin plugged into an amplifier nearby.

“Up until the time we sat down to eat, it was a great night,” he said. “I’ve sat where you all sit and I know what you’re up against it, but something has to be done with the street performers.”



  1. I live in west Ocean City and don't go to the boardwalk. It's gross.

  2. I hate the spray painting people. Why does his rights beat mine? You can't smoke on the boardwalk but you can force people to breathe toxic paint fumes?

  3. Oh my word will you please leave these street performers alone! You may not enjoy the "noise" but others think it's beautiful! Stop, stop, stop trying to control everything!

  4. Why would a street violinist need an amplifier when his intended audience is less than 30 feet away, most of them within 15?

  5. meow meow meow...the season is over and after Sept the boards will be empty until Mid/Late April. Guess what? NO PERFORMERS to discuss until then.

    Whats needed to less media attention on this.

  6. LOL 1:16 yea lets just turn a blind eye and pretend nothing is happening.

  7. They need to worry about all the crime during the summer time

  8. meow has a point. year in/year out, minimal change takes place during the off season. Then all of sudden prior to the new season dust stirs and City Hall (with the help of OCToday and Dispatch for pub) makes a motion on the subject. I is then discussed, tabled until the end of the season. After the season ends someone on the council - or in this case a prior council member, chimes in that they had a bad "personal" experience and demands something to happen. Discussion again, then the offseason/holiday's take place and all is quiet/tabled until the dust stirs again.

    You see 2:52, there is no blind eye here. Its lather, rinse, repeat over and over again.

  9. Prohibiting the use of electric and amplification in their "acts" would solve a lot of the issues. Let them do their thing, without artificially projecting the sounds further than they would naturally.


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