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Friday, September 16, 2016

Merkel Demands German Firms Hire Unqualified Migrants

Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday that Germany needed “viable solutions” to integrate refugees into the workforce faster after she met with blue-chip companies, which have hired just over 100 refugees since around a million arrived in the country last year.

Merkel, fighting for her political life over her open-door policy, summoned the bosses of some of Germany’s biggest companies to Berlin on Wednesday to account for their lack of action and exchange ideas about how they can do better.

Many of the companies contend that a lack of German-language skills, the inability of most refugees to prove any qualifications and uncertainty about their permission to stay in the country mean there is little they can do in the short term.



  1. They dont need to integrate refugees into the workforce. THey need to integrate them into the culture and the refugees need to assimilate into their culture. Or just kick them the F out.

  2. Germans you voted for a idiot just like the low info voters did here in the usa.

  3. Does anyone really pay attention to this incompetent leader?


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