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Friday, September 02, 2016

Matt Lauer Will Moderate The First Forum Between Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton

On Wednesday, Sept. 7, NBC News and MSNBC — along with the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America — will host the the Commander-in-Chief Forum in New York City.

It will be a one-hour forum where Clinton and Trump will answer questions about national security, military affairs and veterans issues in front of an audience mainly made up of members of the military. The two candidates will not be on the stage at the same time, but will instead go back to back.

It’s worth noting that Lauer is listed as a “notable past member” on the Clinton Global Initiative’s website — along with Anderson Cooper and Katie Couric.

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  1. Why do republican candidates agree to a debate where there are 4 democrat and 1 republican moderators ?

  2. He will not change himself. He will be easy and ask softball questions to Hillary and go after Trump with every thing he has. He will show his bias 100% against Trump.

  3. In most debates, the candidates are on the stage together. Is old Hillary, "the crooked liar", afraid of Trump asking her some actually hard questions? Me thinks so. If that's the case, why have the debates at all? Just continue on with forums and town-hall meetings with questions from the audience??

  4. Why not put them up together? Hillary does not want to face Trump. Because she knows he will tear her another. (map)

  5. lester holt thank God it's not softball mat.

  6. This already looks biased. Just wait and see how the questions will favor Clinton. She's already prepared herself knowing what they will ask. There's nothing fair and honest about the Democrats anymore.

  7. It doesn't matter. There's no way Hillary is going to win over the military and vets. They are one group that can see past her lies. This meeting is only going to make Trump look better. As long as the media doesn't take one sentence he says and twist in into something negative.

  8. Clinton will know all her questions beforehand, so she will have her answers prepared. Why have this, it will be so one sided. I hope the Trump train runs over her

  9. Lauer is intelligence. He will help the chosen one to look as good as possible.
    i don't recall ever seeing this type of event for prior POTUS elections.
    It is possibly designed to help make Hillary look good.
    That is my suspicion.

    thank you

  10. 11:36:
    What was your first clue?


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