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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Lil Wayne: God knows I've been blessed...but I've never dealt with racism


  1. They did their very best to get him to say white people are racist and he has been a victim SOMEWHERE, SOMETIME.
    Thx, Weezy.

  2. @9:30 they tried very hard especially Shannon but it didn't work. Thx Weezy.

  3. A white cop saved his life when he was a kid and got shot by a homeboy

  4. He's shortly to become a turn coat in black communities. They can't stand it when someone actually tells the truth instead of going along with the agenda. They would rather he lie and say he experiences racism regularly then him being truthful. They value the truth about as much as they value life.

  5. I have a new found respect for lil whayne.

  6. He doesn't go with the flow and that is great of him. Some, however, will use that against him...

    He's a good man in my book.

  7. Lil' Wayne is a shining example for young people of all color. Thank you Joe for sharing this inspiring video.


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