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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Liberal University Establishes “Black-Only” Housing

If a university in this country were to allow a “white-only” organization or “white-only” dorm on campus, this would immediately be deemed racist and the school would be the next subject of a political fire storm. Allow something to be “black-only” and this double standard is deemed perfectly fine.

California State University in Los Angeles is the most recent public school to establish “black-only” co-ed housing. The university established the segregated housing after demands from the Black Student Union for the school to “establish a place for African American students to seek refuge from what they consider insensitive remarks and “microaggressions” from their white classmates,” according to Fox News.

The Black Student Union said the housing would “provide a cheaper alternative housing solution for Black students,” read one of the union’s demands. “This space would also serve as a safe space for [black students] to congregate, connect, and learn from each other.”



  1. WHO are the RACISTS.?

  2. Soon to be known the place even the cops won't go.

  3. That's "segregation" pure and simple. Equal, but separate, was outlawed in 1964. A smart lawyer that wants to add a Supreme Court case to his resume will take the case Pro Bono, just for the Supreme court time (and win).

  4. AMEN and i hope it is sooner than later
    This crap has got to stop
    Damn bunch of crybabies

  5. its illegal surprised they dont have any brighter lawers working for them

  6. If you are fifty or older there were shows in Baltimore that appeared one called "Black Forum" and another "Black Viewpoint" and channel WJZ TV had mostly black news casters and that also was called by Channel 13 Eyewitness News where there were 2 anchors one was black Al Sanders. People are Talking also was a product of Channel 13 and that is where Oprah Winfrey started with her fellow anchor Richard Sher. Only Black Lives matter people don't real remember the real truths, do you think if those shows were called White Forum and White Viewpoint they would have existed?

  7. That is just f----d up!

  8. So is there a "White Student Union"??? No because they don't need to sink to that level and would be called racist pigs. But it's fine for Blacks to start any origination against white people. These actions are what's bringing this country down!

    1. The Coward Millinials are clueless followers.

  9. Time for a All white housing, tit for tat......

  10. White housing matters.
    Trump 16

  11. The ones that are racist black idiots will move into the newly established "colored only" housing, which means far less aggressive, racist blacks in "normal" dorms and other housing

    That's about as close to a "win-win" as anyone can hope for.

  12. Next year they will different dorms because these will be torn all to heck by these animals.

  13. I think campus security should stay far away from these dorms. See how that works out for them.

  14. How come the black student housing would provide a "cheaper alternative housing situation." If they want to be separate that is fine, but why don't they pay the same price? Would the housing be the same standard as the "white kid housing?" Are they making a ghetto on the campus? Or is it just more of the same ole handout story? They want to be separate and seek a safe space to get away from whites but they want whites to pay for it.

  15. The Democrats have tricked them into self segregating ...LOL

  16. So ACLU are you going to allow this racist college to get away with this?

  17. I am sick and tired of everything that is wrong in this country. Why are white people being walked on all the time?

  18. This is the end of a good 10th grade education at Cal State. I'm glad that name is not on my certificate.


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