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Thursday, September 08, 2016

Laws Are For the Little People: Clinton Charity Ignores Disclosure Laws for Foreign Donations

Writing for Scripps News,Mark Greenblatt takes New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to task for his reluctance to enforce state law against the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Health Access Initiative, which has ignored the requirements for documenting foreign donations for years.

Greenblatt explains early in his lengthy report that New York has more stringent requirements for reporting donations than the federal government:

The Internal Revenue Service has long required charities to disclose on their federal tax returns the total amount of contributions they receive from all governments, foreign and domestic. The federal form does not require a charity to publicly identify its government contributors. However, any charity that wishes to operate or raise funds in New York must also, according to a state law, meet more rigid transparency requirements and publicly disclose “the name of each agency” and “the amount of each contribution” received from any government agency, every year.

A partial review by Scripps of charities registered in New York found inconsistent compliance with the instructions.

The New York Attorney General’s office published a set of detailed instructions for all charities to follow. It directs them to make sure the total amount of government contributions disclosed to the state is equal to what the charities report to the IRS. From 2010-2014, for every year it has filed disclosures with the state, the Clinton Health Access Initiative has ignored this direction.


1 comment:

  1. the clinton foundation is nothing but a huge money laundering scheme. the sooner people come to recognize and understand that little fact the better off we'll all be. i'm not putting my name to this little tidbit because i don't want hillary sending her goons after me.


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