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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Larry Hogan’s recipe for sky-high popularity

DEMOCRATIC LAWMAKERS in Maryland are a frustrated lot. Having run what amounted to a one-party state for all but four of the past 45 years, they are now bewildered by a popular Republican governor. Some of them regard Gov. Larry Hogan as a crafty illusionist whose main asset is good fortune. In fact, Mr. Hogan has been shrewd about one big thing: perfectly reading the state’s political mood.

Mr. Hogan, who never ran for statewide office before his 2014 gubernatorial campaign, enjoys phenomenal poll numbers. In one recent survey, just over 70 percent of Marylanders approved of his performance, higher than almost any other governor. Even in the city of Baltimore, whose residents are about two-thirds African American and heavily Democratic, his popularity is an astonishing 72 percent.

Mr. Hogan’s secret sauce is equal parts common sense, humility and cunning. He has had the common sense to oppose his party’s presidential nominee, Donald Trump, and avoid no-win social issues such as abortion and gun control in a liberal state; the humility to pursue a limited agenda, focusing on modest trims to taxes and spending; and the cunning to make — or let — the state’s Democratic grandees look partisan and churlish.



  1. Why are you sticking up for this trump hater ??

  2. One thing about it, this man is not a conservative or he would have gone to bat for us with the 2nd Amendment issues. He would have also supported Trump.

    1. Hogan can join Julie brewington R.I.N.O
      I will not be revoting for him.

    2. Yeah larry how about our 2 nd ammendment ?.

  3. Won't vote for him again. What a let down!

  4. Illness/tragedy always make you popular. Trust me if Bill Clinton dies tomorrow Hillary will win by a landslide. Don't be surprised if it happens, you know how the Clinton's operate.

  5. Democrats that do not understand are the ones who have not figured out that he is a democrat himself. He is a lying politician just like the rest of them.

  6. Hogan is a traitor to the republican party. won't vote for him again.


  7. Give Governor Hogan credit for being shrewd!

    Republicans and Conservatives (some are both; others not) are a distinct minority in Maryland, with strong support in western Maryland and on the Eastern Shore.

    When he is popular it increases the odds that additional solid Republicans can get elected to the legislature. And it gives him leverage to defeat some of the wilder democrat bills that might be introduced.

    Or we could have a doctrinaire Republican candidate who is defeated and not in office. In that case Anthony Brown would be governor and we'd be seeing a combination of California and New York policies roll out. O'Malley would look like the 'good old days'.

    Life isn't perfect but we are making progress. Temper your language and help the gov to move the tiller toward the course we prefer.

    1. The gov works for the People not the other way he will sufger xome re election for him not voting trump and not giving back our 2nd amendment.period.

  8. Hey Gov Hogan i hope you are reading these posts.

  9. If his tactics help get a republican senator elected I'm all for it. 6:19 you are right we need to be careful what we say about a sitting Republican Governor.

  10. Wow, you idiots are willing to throw away the best thing to happen to Republicans in Maryland for decades?
    For Trump? Please wake up.

    1. Idiiots? You sound like Hillary.

  11. There are things that he is done that I have no liked. However he's doing a better job than O'Malley could think about doing. I think you will see a little bit more of his conservative side once he has a second term. For now he has to appease the democrats somewhat or he will not get reelected.

    1. He ia NOT going to ger Re elected.

  12. To all of you idiots who will not vote for Hogan, look at what the alternative may be. You do not have a crystal ball and profess to know who his opponent might be. Just because he is not a Trump supporter, like i am not a Trump supporter should not mean that you lose an open miid. I can assure you his opponent will be the lesser choice from the Democratic Party.
    He's doing great

  13. I guess not supporting any "new" gun control is supporting our 2nd amendment right Larry? See who gets my vote next time.

    1. I agree larry just po half his voters We wont forget.


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