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Saturday, September 24, 2016

It's Been Raining All Day

Leave it to WBOC and Dan Satterfield to once again mislead the public by stating there'd be no chance of rain today. Oh, that's right, we should have known better, Sunfest is in Ocean City, DUH! My Bad! 


  1. Big Mike said 10% this morning..

  2. Where has is been raining? It's just been cloudy here.

  3. He's been wrong all week joe!!! He's had sun on his seven day forecast all week!'!

  4. Been in OC at Sunfest all day and it misted and finely rained all day but WBOC weather claims it has been partly cloudy???

  5. Raining west Ocean City....not hard but enough to be a pain.

  6. Been in OC at Sunfest all day and it misted and finely rained all day but WBOC weather claims it has been partly cloudy???

  7. Sorry Dan not that fond of you.

  8. Mr . Satterfield please pack your bags and return to were you came from.

  9. Where did it rain? I live in Parsonsburg and didn't see a drop...

  10. No rain here in Salisbury off
    Mt Hermon Rd. !

  11. As the late Fred Weiss, weather man, at WJLA in Washington DC one told me. "50% chance of rain means, 100% chance of rain in 50% of the forecast area".

    Sand Box John

  12. As a construction worker who checks the weather forecast everyday - I have never witnessed so many inaccuracies in the weather forecasting as I have this past year. When they say it isn't going to rain - it rains. When they say it is going to rain - it doesn't. Accuweather - hardly ever gets it right either. I told my wife just yesterday - weather forecasters in general are not renown for being revenue producing personnel - so my take is that the local television station's producers are just making it up based on 'lick the finger and stick it into the wind' concept.

    So my advise is to not rely on the local TV stations anymore as their weather predictions have been atrocious.

  13. I will tell u next year same time sun fest it will drizzle. Bike week clear. Spring fest it will blow like crazy. Take notes and c. This winter cold as you know.


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