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Saturday, September 10, 2016

I'm Banning Football This Year, You?


  1. fans ought to speak with their pocketbooks let these whiny millionaires go broke! nfl owners better wise up!

  2. It is America and people have freedom of speech that I support 100%. However, if Seattle pulls their little petty stunt on Sunday and the NFL does not let other teams/players start showing support for other things such as mental health awareness (Brandon Marshall), the police (Dallas team), and so on it will be lights out in my house for the NFL. And those lights will never be turned on again.

  3. Yes I am. Screw ALL these thugs to NFL racists who are too stupid to understand what the hell they have from people who gave!!!!

  4. Thugs are the number one consumer of athletic apparel. All the Bloods and Crips buy NFL apparel hell they wear it to funerals, weddings, jail, and to school. Goodell and company do not want to lose that dollar. I am in for a long winter I am watching college ball only. I did not even do our annual fantasy league. When they respect the flag I will be back maybe. Funny the players could have purchased prime time commercials to get their view out with the money they make. Instead they follow Potus' lead. I can not wait for Trump to get in office. Anything will be better for America. Even Bill Clinton respected the men and women who fought for this country. Especially the women lol.

  5. Boycott NFL...absolutely!

  6. Not watch NFL??! What will I do with my time, play with the kids, talk with my wife, go to a movie, get a hobby?

  7. Do we really need football? It's become such a giant production that the fun of the game is gone.


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