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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Hogan Ranked Number 2 in the Nation

WASHINGTON — (WMAL) One of our local governors is considered to be among the best in the nation…while the other is losing ground.

While Maryland Governor Larry Hogan is ranked number two in the nation when it comes to approval ratings, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe finds himself at number 15, according to a survey by the Morning Consult, a survey research company.

Hogan received a 70 percent in approval ratings among his constituents, falling closely behind South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard at 74 percent.



  1. Maryland Governor Larry Hogan you do a good job.
    But Voting for Hillary Clinton is you downfall.
    You crossed the line not supporting your own Party.
    Why not become an Independent? Afraid you will not
    be supported? How you think Trump feels, by you not
    supporting him ?

  2. Way to go! He's is so hands on which is what we needed.

  3. Ditto...9:57

    The good governor is one of the best we in Maryland have ever had, although he must hop on The Trump Train.

    Prayers continue for Hogan Strong!!

  4. Its called doing his JOB,geeeez.

  5. I agree with 9:57.
    His downfall will be his non support of Trump, and his vote for Hillary!
    I really liked him until he did this. I know what he is doing is following the establishment party line, which is against Trump. By going with the establishment, you alienated a lot of us.
    Good luck when you come up for re-election!

    1. With a 70% approval rating re-election won't be a problem

    2. We will see larry has burned bridges by not voting trump he is a R.I.N.O and we voters will not forget.

  6. he could be #1 once he gets on the Trump train!!

  7. The reason I voted for hogan was he was the breath of fresh air that Maryland needed at that time. I kind of feel the same way about trump.

  8. Second place is the first loser. Typical in today's society. Everybody gets a participation ribbon.

  9. Allow CCP in Maryland, he'd be better than #1.

  10. His comment about not voting for, or supporting the Trump candidacy, was a political gambit in a predominately democratic state. It helped him get his 70% approval rating, as a Republican governor in a state dominated by Democrats. But when he goes into the voting booth, my bet is he will vote with HIS party, and certainly not for Hillary. It will be PERSONAL, and no one will know how he really voted. He is one smart, well liked governor.

  11. He became number two by not supporting Trump, he is no fool.

  12. I call bull! Most of the country can't even tell you who another state's capital is yet alone who the governor is. And Hogan is doing a terrible job! Wtf are you all smoking? Seriously! You tools are as bad us blacks voting for Obama because he was black!


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