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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hillary tries to evade Benghazi lawsuit liability

Wants to overturn judgment because 'she does not believe she is in default'

Responding to a federal court’s ruling that she defaulted in a wrongful-death claim against her by missing a filing deadline, Hillary Clinton is claiming she didn’t know she had been served with a lawsuit until it was too late.

The complaint was brought by the parents of two of the Americans killed by Islamic terrorists in Benghazi.

WND reported earlier this month that the federal court declared Clinton in default. The ruling, however, did not immediately establish liability, and she has responded to the court that there are several reasons she should be given a pass for missing the deadline.

WND reported in August the claims were brought by the parents of two of the Americans killed by Islamic terrorists in Benghazi.

The case was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by lawyer Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch USA on behalf of Patricia Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, and Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods. The parents cite the FBI’s determination that Clinton’s handling of classified information through the use of a nonsecure, private email server was “extremely careless.”



  1. Evade, deflect, blame, lie, erase, wipe, deny, obfuscate, hide, destroy. Repeat as necessary.

  2. Here she goes, once again. When is the ice going to be too thin for her to skate on?

  3. Either she was served or not.
    Was she served papers?
    If so, they have proof.

  4. If she wasn't such a criminal she wouldn't have to be continually on the run.

  5. She's going to use the "what difference does it make" defense.

  6. It was in the news. Everybody else knew, and she didn't? What a liar!

  7. I would love to see her in a jump suit instead of a pantsuit!

  8. If she's imprisoned (not likely), it'll be in a federal prison medical facility. And then she'll be released for humanitarian reasons.

  9. Oh hail! She always expects a pass.


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