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Friday, September 30, 2016

Hillary Failed To Take Highest Security Training In 2009

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton failed to complete the highest level of security training mandated by the Department of State for the proper handling of the government’s most secret documents when she entered the department in 2009, according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation under the Freedom of Information Act.

The State Department released 46 pages of previously unseen documents Tuesday under a Sept. 20, 2016, order issued by U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon.

The judge angrily told Department of Justice attorneys to stop dragging their feet, and ordered the State Department to conduct an expedited release of all training documents sought in TheDCNF’s FOIA for Clinton and her aides by Oct. 10, 2016.



  1. Hillary is a P.O.S.

  2. What about the annual training that all government employees and contractors have to take? Did she forget to take those too?


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