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Thursday, September 08, 2016

Hillary Clinton Bought Used BlackBerries On Ebay

Hillary Clinton purchased some of the BlackBerries she used as secretary of state on eBay, Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz said on Wednesday.

“That’s what she liked, so she did it. It creates this huge vulnerability. And it’s unnecessary,” Chaffetz, who chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said during a forum hosted by the American Enterprise Institute.

The forum was held to discuss last year’s hack of the Office of Personnel Management.

“I don’t want to get into this too much, but part of what was happening with the secretary of state is, she was acquiring technology that wasn’t even supported by BlackBerry. You couldn’t buy it. She was actually buying this stuff off of eBay because somebody was selling their old machine,” Chaffetz said.



  1. So what? Factory reset the phone

  2. chips can be cloned - so you can reset all you want, the tech was old also. That WHAT! She is stupid, lying crook...

  3. I think I may have bid against her a few years back when a person's ID was disclosed. I believe she was called filthy thief or fat thief. Not sure, been a long time.

  4. POTUS' BB was specially developed by RIM in order to ensure that it was encrypted so that no one would be able to hack into it or listen to his conversations. I wonder what kind of security that HRC had on her BB's?

    She reminds me of an old boss lady that I had, no matter how much I protested about the security ramifications regarding her computer, she always told me that since she was the CEO that she could do what she wanted. I am glad that she didn't get hacked but it always plagued me until the day that I left that job.


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