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Friday, September 09, 2016

Hillary Clinton at Commander-in-Chief Forum: 'We Did Not Lose a Single American' in Libya

Hillary Clinton declared during NBC News’s Commander-in-Chief forum that no lives were lost in Libya when she made the move to take out dictator Muammar Gaddafi. Even so, the former secretary of state did not mention the fact that 11 months later four Americans — including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens — were killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi that arose from the instability that the overthrow created.

Really? @HillaryClinton said we "didn't lose a single American in Libya". She does know  is in Libya right?
“With respect to Libya, again, there’s no difference between my opponent and myself,” Clinton stated, attempting to dismiss her hawkish-foreign policy record. “He’s on record extensively supporting intervention in Libya when Qaddafi was threatening to massacre his population. I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives.”

“We did not lose a single American in that action,” she declared.


  1. she is going from bad to worse with each day passing.

  2. Even with Benghazi, the # of US casualties going into Libya was quite a few orders of magnitude lower than when we went into Iraq. Yet you guys seem to suddenly find your outrage button. Go figure.

  3. We have had more casualties in the middle east since Obama took over than Bush.

  4. 12:06 - Take your biased crap elsewhere! If you cannot be honest with yourself no will ever listen to you!

  5. Had Libya not been tampered with, things would be much different today.

  6. She says that because she thinks people are stupid and have short memories.

  7. you better leave your next president alone or she will send a drone to your house


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