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Thursday, September 01, 2016

Harry Reid Links Trump to Russian Election Hack, Asks FBI to Probe

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid is asking the FBI to investigate the threat of Russian tampering with U.S. elections, including potentially falsifying election results.

Reid argues in a letter to FBI Director James Comey that "evidence of a direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump's presidential campaign continues to mount."

He points to ties between the Trump campaign and Russian interests and notes evidence of Russian efforts to intervene in the electoral process, including hacks of Democratic political organizations.



  1. Reid needs to be removed from office, he's a old useless piece of white house furniture!

  2. "Hey1 Look over there!" While we "fix" all the voting machines...

  3. Just a ploy to cover the fact the democrats will be using voter fraud.. blame it on someone else.

  4. Harry Reid needs to be seen by professionals for his craniorectal impaction.

  5. Ried, Comey, Kosikien & Clinton. All political hacks out to destroy the USA.

  6. Dirty Harry needs to retire to a Nursing Home soon.


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