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Sunday, September 04, 2016

Guy Punches A Pony At Assateague


  1. I have a bat for the jarhead.

  2. Poor horse probably thought the muscle bound idiots 'roid shriveled d!ck was a carrot.
    Hope the guy gets brain cancer from the juicing.

  3. Calling him a jar head I assume you know for sure he is a marine???

  4. HE IS FROM ECI JAIL.....Jail House marks on his FAT A$$ body.

  5. What a pos punk ass.

  6. Why do men do this to themselves? It is not masculine at all!!!! The pumped up steroid look with the ugly tattoos.....just gross. Im sure he will be caught. I hope there were plenty of witnesses that can testify in court.

  7. TAKES A BAD MAN TO PUNCH A PONY....a wanna be badass.....NOT, looks like one of the low life's that Obama just pardoned.....hope his Parole Officer sees it!

  8. Calling him a jar head is an insult to the Corps

  9. What a jerk. Some people have to do things like that to make themselves feel "big". All he did was make himself very, very tiny.

  10. What a total moron he looks like a steroid using punk

  11. He looks like a wanna be tough guy who does drugs

  12. Did he get locked up or did everyone just stand there taking pics and bitching

  13. I hope i see his big ugly a $$ somewhere

  14. my daughters could take this loser ,dont feed the horses. what a a/hole. here again another person with no common sense.

  15. Notice how nowhere is family friendly anymore?

  16. Hell is licking its' chops just waiting for him/it.

  17. Clapping hands usually works on ponies.
    They don't like loud noise.

    A gentle push on the head will steer them away as well.
    Be careful, they can bite.

  18. Just an FYI, I never saw a picture of him "punching" a pony

  19. looks like mongo to me!

  20. What a muscle bound tattooed loser!!! I am sure there are witnesses who can identify this Bonehead. He probably thinks he is handsome.

  21. Horse hoof to his Neck.

  22. A) He is a typical idiot from a certain area of the state where they aren't exactly smart
    2) He must to be able to read because if my memory serves me right there are large brown signs that say DO NOT FEED THE HORSES
    C) If everyone is so concerned. Call the ranger station and give them his license plate number. It is clearly visible in the photo of him showing he is number one
    4) Oh wait, all of this would take common sense and the folks south of the Mason Dixon line show me everyday, that is not part of the common core taught in Maryland.

    Curious to see how much of this post actually shows up.

  23. 7:27
    Since you saw the picture did you also take time to read the comments there were posted on facebook? They notified the rangers. There were many witnesses but the rangers didn't do anything.

  24. The CG on his license plate means - US Coast Guard Auxiliary Fifth District - which is hidden by his plate holder

    There is a 5th district northern and southern
    Southern is Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Washington D.C.

    Northern is Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and Delaware.

  25. Time for the Rangers to do some real police investigative work instead of looking all pretty for the photo ops. Do your jobs and put this upstanding citizen behind bars and throw away the keys. Good thing I am not a judge, because he would serve a long time cleaning out horses stalls along with some hard labor.

    1. The "rangers" there try to pick up girls and harrass females. From the top down, that dept needs to take a good look at how to handle their incompetent and dare I say, criminal employees...

  26. lol 8:05 no, that's not what is means.

  27. and 8:05 its not registered to him, but to the female in the pics.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I have a bat for the jarhead.

    September 2, 2016 at 2:21 PM

    maybe a wannabe jarhead but I have never seen a Marine act so dishonorably

  29. Animal cruelty, arrest him

  30. More comments on this then Trump or Clinton posts. I feel bad for the horse. But I have more anxieties about this country.

  31. Why have the fb posts been removed? I shared it and now it is gone.

  32. Can anyone post up the tag number from yesterday, before they took
    the pictures down'

  33. I wonder if his tattoos are glow in the dark so he can still see them in the closet?

    1. Where is the pic of him hitting the horse?

  34. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    More comments on this then Trump or Clinton posts. I feel bad for the horse. But I have more anxieties about this country.

    September 2, 2016 at 11:12 PM

    relax citizen, everything has been pre-arranged and will be fine. enjoy the distractions... I mean entertainment.

  35. Looks like the Facebook page has been taken down.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    lol 8:05 no, that's not what is means.
    September 2, 2016 at 10:25 PM

    Yes idiot it does, all you have to do is go on the DMV site and they list what all the alphabetical symbols mean.

    You are too stupid for you own good.

  37. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    and 8:05 its not registered to him, but to the female in the pics.
    September 2, 2016 at 10:25 PM

    And you know that because .....
    I would really like to know how you know who owns the car.

  38. Take Steroids much!

  39. Anonymous said...
    Poor horse probably thought the muscle bound idiots 'roid shriveled d!ck was a carrot.
    Hope the guy gets brain cancer from the juicing.

    September 2, 2016 at 2:27 PM

    LOL... I was thinking the same thing. Anthony Wiener aint got nuttin on him.

  40. Anonymous said...
    A) He is a typical idiot from a certain area of the state where they aren't exactly smart
    2) He must to be able to read because if my memory serves me right there are large brown signs that say DO NOT FEED THE HORSES
    C) If everyone is so concerned. Call the ranger station and give them his license plate number. It is clearly visible in the photo of him showing he is number one
    4) Oh wait, all of this would take common sense and the folks south of the Mason Dixon line show me everyday, that is not part of the common core taught in Maryland.

    Curious to see how much of this post actually shows up.

    September 2, 2016 at 7:27 PM

    Actually it's you idiots that live North of the Mason-Dixon line that have ruined everything in the South for us. If you hate people below the Mason-Dixon line then why don't you morons stay in Pennsylvania. We whooped your asses once before and it's just a matter of time before it happens again. We don't want you down in our parts again so please take this Bonehead back with you.

  41. September 4, 2016 at 9:30 AM - what in the heck are you ranting about? The dude is clearly from MARYLAND, and the poster was from MARYLAND

    Ignorant hick can't even stay on topic.

  42. no 8:13 moron, it has nothing to do with the coast guard. the war of 1812 tags lettering has ZERO meaning.

  43. All I see is a giant person walking around.

  44. 12:15 it has NOTHING to do with the 1812 tags, it has everything to do with the CG - moron. You don't even know what you are talking about.
    The letters have a meaning and are assigned to a specific group.
    If you were not such a loser, you would go to the motor vehicle site and check the alpha codes , like I did, and the CG is clearly assigned to the Coast Guard specifically the 5th division.

    But keep shooting your mouth off about the stupid war that has no meaning. Learn how to friggin read ya moron, I was specifically clear of what the meaning of the CG stood for and made no mention of the plate design.

    You can get your group specific plates on any of the designs.

  45. 8:05 is correct.
    The design is meaningless
    The CG in the plate numbers is assigned to the Coast Guard Aux 5th Division.
    All you have to do is check the MVA site.
    12:15 is clueless.

  46. The tags do not belong to him anyway. It's not his vehicle.

  47. Has ZERO to do with the coast guard, Lettering in war of 1812 tags does not have special meaning. I know I deal with tags every day of my life.

  48. Attention to all the nasty uninformed people that posted trash on this site... This incident did not occur and it was all exaggerated crap from a crazy women.. Slander is a criminal offense that is being addressed with an attorney....How quick everyone assumes because a person has tattoos they were in prison or is violent???? Really??? you should all be ashamed of yourselves!!! In the world we live in today!!!!??? I was there. He did not "PUNCH" anything!!!!! This man will not fish, hunt or even kill a spider in his home. The women who posted this has 5 aliases and is on probation for scamming people for money!!!!! And you believe her!!!! There are some other pictures that are going around that are PHOTO SHOPED . Please do not believe everything you see or read on social media. ask for proof like some of the comments did....how would you like it if someone said some slanderous thing about you and posted it everywhere just to get attention for themselves???


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