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Sunday, September 25, 2016

George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary

Former President George H.W. Bush is bucking his party's presidential nominee and plans to vote for Hillary Clinton in November, according to a member of another famous political family, the Kennedys.

Bush, 92, had intended to stay silent on the White House race between Clinton and Donald Trump, a sign in and of itself of his distaste for the GOP nominee. But his preference for the wife of his own successor, President Bill Clinton, nonetheless became known to a wider audience thanks to Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend, the former Maryland lieutenant governor and daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy.

On Monday, Townsend posted a picture on her Facebook page shaking hands next to the former president and this caption: "The President told me he’s voting for Hillary!!”



  1. Kennedys all have a big mouth.

  2. The Bushes and Clintons are tight.
    They have the same bosses and compare notes.

  3. Tells you that they are all about the establishment, cronyism, power, and staying in it...instead of what's best for the country!

  4. ....his prerogative
    vote for who you want
    me, I'll be pulling for Trump

  5. This is either 1- another Democrat lie, 2 - sour grapes because Jeb lost, or 3 - proof HW has gone senile.

  6. Same person bought him that bought Hillary & Barack!
    WooHoo! At least now, we know who has sold us out!

  7. Sell out. He is just pissed that Jeb the early favorite got spanked bad.

  8. Sad , jeb lost . Suck it up!

  9. Well remember the no new taxes lie - maybe he really was never a republican.

  10. I think the senility has set in on the old guy.

  11. Does anyone really care what he says anymore?

  12. Who Cares! 1 in the same as a family goes! INSIDERS!

  13. Some of his family must have spun his wheelchair to mamy times lol.

  14. thank God we dont have to hold our noses and pull the lever for his idiot son! HW was bought and paid for by the chinese communist party!

  15. They are all members if the NWO club .vote trump

  16. Ditto the NWO comment, as well as the vote Trump comment!

  17. Oh, please. Can you really believe Kennedy Townsend with anything she says? Here is a man who is 92 years old & not in good health. Kennedy Townsend should be ashamed of herself. I doubt Former President Bush said anything about who he is going to vote for in November. This is called "dirty politics" and the Dems know who to play it.

  18. LOL who would ever believe anything that comes out of both a democrat's mouth or a Kennedy's. There isn't a democrat alive who isn't a pathological liar and the Kennedy's always have been lacking in both honesty and any decency.

  19. The Bush family got me but good while pretending to be one of us. I'm independent now. Nobody did more damage to me personally than the Bush family. Good riddance. Now let's rid ourselves of the Clinton.

    Let's end international sellouts.

  20. Why was a buzzard kennady around a bush alone, RINO.

  21. If they asked me if I was voting for her I would say yes also. I don't want to end up mysteriously dead!

  22. This election is all about the establishment (HilLIARy) versus the people (Trump)

    It is not republican versus Democrat!

  23. George missed his dose of medication.

    1. "George"? President Bush was a decorated Navy Aviator in World War 2. As much as I hate him doing this, he has earned.

  24. As this NWO collapses it is great to see peoples true colors show. Play spot the RINOS.

  25. Senility is a tragic thing.

  26. George HW Bush was the first to admit there was a globalist agenda with his New World Order talk in 1989. He's a globalist. He wants America to go into ruin. Don't you peeps get that?


  27. Truthmeter goes off the scale when a Kennedy opens their yap.

  28. Bob Pinto is still alive? Medical technology is amazing!

  29. I have infinite respect for president bush.
    If true, this is pretty revealing.

  30. Bush Clinton Obama they are all the same person.

  31. During the Bush years, it was when stupid voters elected a majority of Democrats in the House and Senate that things went downhill. Same with Obama.

  32. I don't think this is the truth.


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