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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Gen. Mike Flynn at London Center Award Ceremony: ‘I’m Deplorable’

NEW YORK CITY, New York—Lt. General Mike Flynn received the prestigious Defense of American Principles Award from the London Center for Policy Research at the 2016 American Liberty Awards Dinner at the Metropolitan Club on Monday.

Others receiving awards from the London Center were Congressman Jim Jordan, philanthropist Foster Friess, and former Indiana Governor and President of Purdue University Mitch Daniels.

“I’ve got a secret to tell you,” General Flynn began his remarks at the exclusive dinner. “I’m deplorable,” General Flynn said to huge applause, referencing Hillary Clinton’s attack on supporters of Donald Trump as a “basket of deplorables.”

General Flynn continued his praise of Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump saying that Trump’s biggest problem is that he “tells the truth” and that the business mogul refuses to follow the tenets of “political correctness.” He also spent a considerable portion of his remarks attacking the “rules of engagement” that limit our military forces’ ability to win conflicts. Flynn pointed out that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would continue those failed tactics.

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