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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fresno Police Closing In On Thugs Who Attacked Patrol Car


Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer has a warning for the people who attacked and vandalized a California patrol SUV – arrests are coming.

Sunday afternoon in southwest Fresno, a California Highway Patrol officer spotted tire smoke at an intersection and went to investigate, finding a Chevrolet Tahoe burning donuts in the street. A large group of people were blocking the street while they watched several cars driving recklessly in the streets.

The officer got out of his SUV to issue a citation, when the crowd nearby shouted for the driver to speed away, so he took off. The officer then got back in his vehicle to pursuing the fleeing vehicle, and that’s when the crowd attacked, kicking and hitting the patrol vehicle, smashing windows and denting the side paneling, reported the Fresno Bee.

“F**k the police… we run the streets!” they yelled.



  1. Then they should use to uncover welfare fraud.

  2. 1052
    You are correct on all counts.


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