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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Elementary School Teachers To Wear Black Lives Matter Shirts

Seattle, Washington – John Muir Elementary teachers in Seattle will be wearing Black Lives Matter t-shirts at school on September 16th. The school is a K-5 school in the Seattle Public School district.

Third grade teacher Marjorie Lamarre told King 5 News, “To be silent would be almost unforgivable, and I think we have been silent for almost too long.”

The idea for the shirts came from teacher Jennifer Whitney, which will feature the schools name along with “Black Lives Matter, We Stand Together.” Whitney said, “It is part of the oppression, the systemic oppression that continues on.”

It’s likely that the Seattle Public School district and many of the teachers are unaware of what Black Lives Matter is. Most people are under the impression that Black Lives Matter is a civil rights group, where they are actually a political group whose stated goals include:



  1. This shirt idea is no good. All lives matter. If students can't wear certain t-shirts to school why can a few teachers?

  2. This is BS already FIRE the principle.

  3. Politics,with the exception of Civics instruction,should be kept out of the school.they are well paid to TEACH not brainwash!

  4. Bought by George Soros

  5. Can we wear Christian themed shirts? well, that's what I thought.

  6. Trump to stop this.

  7. That what is wrong with the country, the indoctrination starts at a young age, the parents should send the children to school with all lives matter shirts and dare them to react!

  8. Here's why "all lives matter" isn't what should be focused on using an analogy. Sorry if this is hard for most of you to understand:

    Imagine that you're sitting down to dinner with your family, and while everyone else gets a serving of the meal, you don't get any. So you say, "I should get my fair share." And as a direct response to this, your dad corrects you, saying, "Everyone should get their fair share." Now, that's a wonderful sentiment — Indeed, everyone should, and that was kinda your point in the first place: that you should be a part of everyone, and you should get your fair share also. However, dad's comment just dismissed you and didn't solve the problem that you still haven't gotten any.

    When someone has a march for breast cancer, we don't show up and yell "lung cancer happens too!". I'm aware many of you will take this out of context in a way to rationalize your opinions towards the black lives matter movement. But maybe this will help you understand what they're trying to do.

    1. What about the ordering of violence on police and white people through social media? The problem you have is spending your life teaching and not living.

    2. I feel that all lives mater because, im no better than you , and you are no better than me we if you believe are all gods children, by making one persons death any more valuable than someone else is not the answer, if a crime is committed prosecute! This is self segregation. Yes young black men are incarcerated at a higher percentage, but unfortunately look at the social breakdown in the black community. We need to start at the grass roots , rebuild morality respect, families, not dissipate.

  9. Does John Muir approve?

  10. I am going to send my kid in with a NRA shirt on or a shirt with a confederate flag. LOL

  11. Good let them. God sees and He will punish them accordingly. Bet the black on black murders spike dramatically in the days to come in this school's area. Always does where these BLM people try and show their butts. God doesn't like them and He will punish them accordingly. Start digging the graves.

    1. There is NO supreme being called GOD

  12. I will send my kids with a Proud Deplorable shirt on.

  13. Leave it up to moron liberal Democrats to come up with something like this. Will this crap ever stop?

  14. 2:05 please do, then my kids can tell which one to avoid

  15. Fine, break out the Confederate Flag T-shirts...if it's good for the goose it's good for the gander! NOT A PROBLEM AS LONG AS OTHER KIDS CAN WEAR WHAT THEY WANT!!!!

  16. Yes 2:29 please please please do tell you kid to avoid us deplorables. We don't want your kid fouling our air. A kid raised by someone like you isn't worthy to be around our children anyway. You and your spawn are beneath us. Our children aren't allowed to associate with trash so yes do us a favor and tell you kid to stay away from the deplorables.

  17. 2:48 I think you meant to say "your". It's best to spell correctly when attempting to insult someone. Especially while suggesting your offspring will wear a shirt saying they are deplorable :)

  18. No it's not best to spell correctly when insulting someone. I do make mistakes, not very often but once in awhile. Anyway..... You got the message. That's all that matters! Just make to keep your word and abide by it because again us deplorables want nothing more then to keep your spawn away from our dear children.

  19. Actually all lives do matter. We all know what BLM stands for and have had enough of it. Call us ignorant, uneducated...I could care less!

  20. No one gives a damn what your kids are wearing.

  21. I agree it's best to not allow children to associate with those who support something like BLM. To those of us with morals and decency and who are inclusive we think all lives matter. This is one of the black races main difficulties and why their youth are killing each other like they are. BL only M when they can attach a racial agenda to the death and black youth are conflicted. To them their lives don't matter unless a police or a white person kills a black. They think it's perfectly okay to kill each other including little black children. Blacks who are overwhelmingly democrat by their associating are responsible for millions of babies being killed by abortion too. Tsk Tsk Shame Shame. God sees the real hearts of those people. You can go to church, quote Gospel all day long but talking the talk makes no difference. You need to walk the walk otherwise God won't bless and you will continue to be a chaotic race. In God's eyes pretending to be a Christian is far worse then being a non believer. And contrary to what the fake black churches teach you are not forgiven indiscriminately. You have to "go and sin no more" as says the Bible. Shame Shame on how blacks have bastardized Christianity and Shame Shame on them for wanting to make schools into places of activism. That's okay God will punish accordingly. Keep on digging the graves. Blacks killing other blacks is only going to get worse and worse.

    1. Are you freakin kidding me @3:47?? This whole area is full of fake christians that believe if I go to church 1 hour a week and become part of their little inner circle GOD will allow me to prosper and live a better life than others. What a joke Jesus was one of the outcast fool, that's all he associated with and tried to save

    2. I bet your a obama syrian refugee.

    3. How did you guess?? I appreciate your ignorant liberal policies. My family and i are planning a vacation back to Syria on your welfare government handout!! LMAO

  22. 3:36 well then you need to direct your comment to 2:29 because they got all offended when someone commented they would send their child to school with a deplorable shirt on.

  23. answer...
    home school!

  24. Black "churches" have historically overwhelmingly been places of activism and this is why they have experienced now generations of moral decline. They have never known real true religion. The chickens are home to roost now and because of this lack of morals they fail to take responsibility and constantly blame other and make excuses.

  25. BLM is a naritive to wind up low clueless uneducated voters to stir up a race war i say bring it.

  26. There's a church out in Hebron that's supporting this where you can get one of these shirts!!

  27. 5:46 It would best serve you to not discuss something you are ignorant of. Jesus had people confess repent and after they gave up their sinful ways then he associated with them! Famous words "go and sin no more." Jesus was in no way an enabler and He did NOT forgive indiscriminately. You are the fool! Of course fake Christians are everywhere but it's mostly prevalent in the black race and it the ONLY cause for their moral decline. Now if you feel compelled to argue with me anymore you would best be served by doing some Bible studying first and not shoot from the hip something you heard somewhere.

    1. There's nothing about you that says christian after reading your post and the way you're judging the black church

  28. Please @ 7:18 whats tgere to argue?? You're judging the black church says all that needs to be said!!! I've visited both white and black churches in this area and to be totally truthful the white churches are nothing more than a bunch of judgmental hypocrites. You might want to go back and re-read some of your scripture

  29. I believe EVERY one of the disciplies were less than perfect citizens there @7:18 don't know what bible or scripture you read from maybe you need glasses you're obviously reading out of context

  30. I believe EVERY one of the disciplies were less than perfect citizens there @7:18 don't know what bible or scripture you read from maybe you need glasses you're obviously reading out of context

  31. So, POLITICAL movements get publicized and promoted in their schools now?

    MY kid would be going to school with an NRA T-shirt and a picture of Trump on the back.
    My lawyer would be waiting to pounce, too.
    Talk about easy money....I'd be laying on a beach on my own private island after some righteous teacher decided that blm shirts were cool, but my kid gets sent home in humiliation.
    He'd get rich, too.
    THAT is what letting political causes, even one as stupidly inane as blm, get authorized play in the schools.
    Keep cheering.

  32. Nope nothing is being taken out of context. All true and if you attended a REAL Bible teaching based church you would be ashamed of what you are claiming. I'm only giving you fair warning so you can either listen or be prepared to spend your eternity in hell. The Bible clearly says for the truly faithful to be judgmental when the flock is straying. You are to call out the wayward and take appropriate action if they fail to redeem. All this only God can judge is nonsense taught by someone who is only leaning you to a sinful life. That is why some churches like the Amish still practice shunning. But like I said, keep going to the fake churches and keep listening to the wolves in sheep's clothing and blessing won't be yours.

    1. The wolves in sheeps clothing are the pastors. Never seen the likes of such prideful arrogant leaders than here on the easrern shore. It seems as though they have being s pastor confused with what they truly want their identity to be and have the arrogance to utilize federal 501c 3 tax exemption status, and guilt people into giving tgem 10% of their pre tax income plus any aabd all special offerings to pursue their own life's agenda "in the name of the lord"

    2. I agree but the churches in this area are more about popularity, congregation numbers, building satellite campuses away from their main church. When does it actually become about the actual word of God??

    3. Any suggestions for an actual church that stands on the bible and is led by humbled natured leaders that actually care about people reaching out for help

  33. All lives do matter and to focus on one race like this is gross and uncivilized and speaks volumes as to how low some have sunk and how badly they were raised. Civilized people are inclusive. They don't see color. They see character.

  34. Just keep your kids home from school that day. If the school challenges you on that then rip into them.

  35. Keep your kids home on TEST day if you want pay back.

  36. bad taste, bad judgement, bad example, bad group (BLM), teachers should be disciplined.


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