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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Doerr gets 10 in arson

Circuit Court Judge Dale Cathell sentenced Matthew Raymond “Ray” Doerr to 10 years in prison for starting the fire in March that destroyed the vacant house formerly located at 19 St. Louis Ave. in Snow Hill on Wednesday.

Doerr was visibly shocked by the sentence, and his longtime girlfriend burst into tears, since he had agreed to a plea deal with State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby that carried a sentencing recommendation for half the amount of time.

Doerr originally faced charges of first-degree arson and destruction of property exceeding $1,000 in value. Oglesby amended the charging document to second-degree arson and agreed to not prosecute the second charge in exchange for a guilty plea.

First-degree arson is used for houses, and second-degree is for “structures,” Oglesby said during the case. The maximum sentence for first-degree arson is 30 years in prison and up to $50,000 in fines, while second-degree arson carries a maximum of 20 years and in $30,000 fines.



  1. The most disturbing thing is "one of the city-owned surveillance cameras spotted a man wearing clothes similar to what Doerr was wearing that night".

  2. Are you meaning he might be innocent 1:42???

  3. 10 years for burning down a vacant hose and the other day a guy gets 18 months probation for killing a toddler. Wow. Great job judicial system.

  4. Ok, I'll make this as simple as possible for the impaired viewers "ONE OF THE CITY-OWNED SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS spotted a man wearing clothes similar to what Doerr was wearing that night".

  5. There are way too many empty run down houses on the Eastern Shore.Every time I hear about another one getting torched I wonder if authorities will ever step in and eliminate these houses.First of all they are a hazard for children to play in AND THEY DO.The Accomac arsonists burnt down buildings that absolutely needed burning down.If there is any regulation on dilapidated structures no one is enforcing it.Controlled burning for training purposes would be ideal.

  6. What are children doing playing in abandoned houses? Their parents are supposed to know where they are.

  7. Dumb dirt bag and dumb out of town attorney. Cry on that long time girlfriend!


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