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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Do WhiteLivesMatter In Charlotte?

We have one simple question - how is beating, dragging, stripping, and laughing-at an innocent white man going to help the discourse about police violence against black men?

In Charlotte overnight...

But that was not all... As Mediaite notes, among the many reports of violence from the Charlotte, North Carolina unrest Wednesday night was one particular shocking example: rioters tried to throw a news photographer into a burning fire.Local CW affiliate WCCB was on the scene and tweeted out images of the fire and their initial report.



  1. Super preditors... White people please be careful and avoid BLM at all cost...

  2. They sound like a bunch of hyenas before a kill

  3. Main Stream Media stops giving BLM attention - then BLM goes away. Sad though, MSM cannot afford to stop giving the attention since it generates revenue.

    I choose not to watch animals who can't control themselves.


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