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Saturday, September 10, 2016

Council Reluctantly Approves OC BikeFest Funding; Event Sought $25K, Received $10K

OCEAN CITY — Ocean City officials this week somewhat reluctantly approved a $10,000 supplementary allocation to OC BikeFest 2016 organizers, although the grant fell short of the $25,000 requested by the Tourism Advisory Board (TAB).

Each year, the Mayor and Council include in the budget an allocation to TAB allowing the advisory board to seek out and help fund various special events, many of which bolster the shoulder seasons in the resort. This year, as in years past, $300,000 was allocated in the budget for TAB to utilize to attract and retain special events, but the $300,000 in this year’s budget has already been earmarked for other events.

As a result, TAB Vice Chairman John Gehrig came before the Mayor and Council on Tuesday seeking a special $25,000 supplemental allocation for OC BikeFest organizers to help offset the cost of procuring entertainment for the 2016 event, which officially gets underway next Thursday. After considerable and often chippy debate, the Mayor and Council voted on a compromise measure to allocate $10,000 to OC BikeFest this year.



  1. Nothing but pure greed. The bikers bring a ton of business to the Town. They did the same thing to Pepsi but they eventually pulled the Dew Tour out of OC.

  2. Its why i dont go near OC anymore! overpriced! overcrowded! OVER RATED No fun, no freedoms anymore!

  3. There's that familiar sound of a baby chick again...........


  4. And bike fest will eventually go somewhere elese...I hear VA Beach is a very friendly town to tourism.....

  5. I would to see a list of whom they gave the 300,000.00 to...

  6. I would pray that bikefest goes to another town. I live in this town too, year round. There isn't another event that brings so much noise and the lewd, crude, and trashy clientele that associate with this event. It's horrible. The comparison to the jets is laughable. They come and perform for one hour, for two days. What an idiot. Buh bye bikers. These events surely do not cause my tax rates to go down.

  7. $25,000 - $10,000 - or a million dollars. BikeFest isn't going anywhere other than OC. It's the perfect town for this event.

  8. IDK, 11:57. I paid $20 to get in to that event a couple of years ago. Less than half the vendor booths populated, no shows on a Saturday afternoon, nothing to di inside.

    See ya! Biggest waste of $20 I ever had.

  9. The local servers say they out tip the hot rod guys 3 to 1. What I really want to know is how they ever found THEIR black Harley amongst the other 50,000 black Harley's when it was at the race track. Black bikes matter.


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